[LTER-sbc_help] Hubbard Brook Monthly - October 2019
Hubbard Brook Research Foundation
sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Mon Nov 4 05:34:57 PST 2019
November 4, 2019 Dear Colleagues, Below please find the October 2019 issue of the Hubbard Brook Monthly, a regular newsletter sent out via the Hubbard Brook listserv to facilitate the sharing of information across the growing Hubbard Brook community. As always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please send us a note at sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org. Best wishes, Clara Clara Chaisson Outreach and Communications Manager Hubbard Brook Research Foundation https://hubbardbrook.org/hubbard-brook-research-foundation 410-530-8625 cchaisson at hubbardbrookfoundation.org HUBBARD BROOK MONTHLY October 2019 issue Recent Publications The LTER Decadal Review Self Study, as discussed at the October Committee of Scientists meeting, is available here: https://lternet.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LTER_Self_Study_2019-10-04.pdf Jevon, FV, AW D’Amato, CW Woodall, K Evans, MP Ayres, JH Matthes. 2019. Tree basal area and conifer abundance predict soil carbon stocks and concentrations in an actively managed forest of northern New Hampshire, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117534 Mech, AM, KA Thomas, TD Marsico, DA Herms, CR Allen, MP Ayres, KJK Gandhi, J Gurevitch, NP Havill, RA Hufbauer, AM Liebhold, KF Raffa, AN Schulz, DR Uden, PC Tobin. 2019. Evolutionary history predicts high‐impact invasions by herbivorous insects. Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.5709 Wason, JW, CM Beier, JJ Battles, M Dovciak. 2019. Acidic Deposition and Climate Warming as Drivers of Tree Growth in High-Elevation Spruce-Fir Forests of the Northeastern US. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2019.00063 Yang, Y, L Meng, RD Yanai, M Montesdeoca, PH Templer, H Asbjornsen, LE Rustad, CT Driscoll. 2019. Climate change may alter mercury fluxes in northern hardwood forests. Biogeochemistry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-019-00605-1 If your publication is missing from this list, please let us know: sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org Hubbard Brook in the News Bittersweet: How climate change is affecting the sugar maples of New England American Forests Magazine Outreach and Education Update On October 3, Sarah Garlick—along with John Besley, Kathy Fallon Lambert, and Marissa Weiss—led a Peer Review meeting in Detroit for the Public Engagement with Science at LTER Sites project. In October, Anthea Lavallee worked with HB researchers and staff on a customized fact sheet for U.S. Congresswoman Ann Kuster (NH-02). The congresswoman requested this in preparation for rolling out a clean energy/climate initiative. Thanks to submissions and editorial suggestions from HB researchers and staff and using much of the material from the 2017 fact sheet, we were able to turn this around in fewer than 4 days. If you would like a copy of the fact sheet, please email Anthea: alavallee at hubbardbrookfoundation.org. On October 21, Sara Kaiser led a Cornell Monday Night Seminar titled A Walk in the Woods: A Half-Century of Bird Discoveries at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. The event was also live-streamed. https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home/event/a-walk-in-the-woods-a-half-century-of-bird-discoveries-at-the-hubbard-brook-experimental-forest/ Lindsay Rustad attended the IF/THEN Summit in Dallas on October 21 – 23. Lindsey is among 125 female STEM leaders who have been selected as American Association of Science IF/THEN Ambassadors. https://dallasinnovates.com/if-then-summit-convenes-nationwide-female-stem-role-models-in-dallas/ On November 1, Andy Reinman is giving a talk titled Seeing the Forest for the Snow: Connecting the Ecological Impacts of Climate Change Across Seasons” at the 6th Annual Anglers Symposium hosted by the Rondout Neversink Stream Program in the Catskills. Much of the talk will leverage data from Hubbard Brook. Save the Date The next Committee of Scientists meeting is scheduled to take place on January 7-8, 2020, at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY. The meeting will focus on two topics: "Valley-wide landscape ecology, modeling, and GIS," co-led by Natalie Cleavitt, Nick Rodenhouse, and Nina Lany, and "Exploration of causes for the 2013 nitrate spike in the stream record," co-led by John Campbell and Mark Green. Thanks for reading! Hubbard Brook Research Foundation | 30 Pleasant St., Woodstock, VT 05091 Unsubscribe sbc_help at lternet.edu Update Profile | About Constant Contact Sent by sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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