[LTER-sbc_help] Forest Science News - June 2019

Hubbard Brook Research Foundation sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org
Thu Jun 6 07:41:28 PDT 2019

A monthly roundup of research headlines  Forest Science News is brought to you by the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation. June 2019 INVASIVE SPECIES When it comes to invasive species, sometimes less is more. A team of researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 1,258 studies to shed light on how the relative abundance of invasive species affects the diversity of native species. They found that when invaders are higher up on the food chain, their impacts on the natives peak at lower abundance. But when invaders are on the same level of the food chain as native populations, their negative impacts increase linearly as their abundance increases. The results highlight the need to prevent introductions in the first place and take immediate action if introductions have already occurred.  Press Release: University of Massachusetts Amherst Abstract [full PDF behind paywall]: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences CLIMATE CHANGE Global study investigates the role of tree canopies on air temperature It’s well known that forest canopies can create their own microclimates, but a group of researchers wanted to analyze this effect on a broad scale. They paired air temperature data from beneath forest canopies with air temperature data from open habitats at 98 sites across five continents. When the ambient temperature was hot, forest canopies had a cooling effect on the understory, whereas when the ambient temperature was cool, forest canopies had a warming effect on the understory. The authors write that these insulating properties may mean canopies have an ability to lessen the impacts of global warming on forest function and biodiversity.  Press Release: THE CNRS Abstract [full PDF behind paywall]: Nature Ecology & Evolution NUTRIENT CYCLING Two dominant types of fungi live in close association with tree roots: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Most tree species harbor only one type. These mycorrhizal types have very different forms and functions, and ecologists believe that the relative proportion of each type can have a significant impact on temperate forests’ nutrient cycling. Using data from more than three million trees, researchers created a “mycorrhizal tree map” of the United States. They found that nitrogen deposition, fire suppression, and climate change in the eastern U.S. have favored trees with arbuscular mycorrhizae. The authors suggest that this shift could lead to changes in forest productivity, carbon retention, and feedback loops with climate change. Press Release: Purdue University Abstract: Science Advances VIRTUAL REALITY Virtual reality helps engage new audiences with conservation Scientists from Florida International University have released a virtual reality game, “Butterfly World 1.0,” designed to teach players about insects and plants in the Florida Keys. Players identify native butterfly and plant species, and participate in removing an invasive ant species. The authors suggest that using virtual reality as a science communication strategy has the potential to introduce new audiences to difficult-to-access habitats and conservation concepts, encouraging empathy and even changing individual behaviors. Press Release: Pensoft Publishers Abstract: Rethinking Ecology HUBBARD BROOK HIGHLIGHT Sampling leaf litter at a single point in time leads to biased nutrient estimates Ecologists commonly use the nutrient concentrations of leaf litter samples to calculate nutrient flux for a given site. But until now, no studies have assessed how nutrient concentrations in leaf litter change over the two-month-long litterfall period. Hubbard Brook researchers collected leaf litter from two sites at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest on a weekly basis and analyzed how nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations changed throughout the litterfall season. They found that both nitrogen and phosphorus declined significantly over time and that the nitrogen: phosphorus ratio increased over time. The authors conclude that only taking leaf litter samples at a single point in the season results in biased estimates of nutrient concentrations and fluxes.  Abstract [full PDF behind paywall]: Ecological Indicators The above links were curated from news articles and press releases published during April 2019. The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study Forest Science News is a science communication tool designed to improve communication between ecosystem scientists and public audiences in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada. Please email ideas and questions to: sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org Sign up to get Forest Science News in your inbox! Hubbard Brook Research Foundation | 30 Pleasant St., Woodstock, VT 05091 Unsubscribe sbc_help at lternet.edu Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by sciencelinks at hubbardbrookfoundation.org in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today!
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