[LTER-sbc_help] The Federal Budget Impasse at Hubbard Brook

Hubbard Brook Research Foundation elisa.speckert at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 12:48:14 PST 2018


Hubbard Brook on the Front Lines
of the Budget Standoff
As a federally managed Experimental Forest, Hubbard Brook has been in a holding 
pattern during the budget deliberations. Today Hubbard Brook's Forest Service headquarters
was locked, and non-exempt federal employees were not permitted to work.  Our Forest
Service partners do not idle well; sitting on their hands is harder than punching
through frozen streams in subzero temperatures to collect water samples.  After 
decades of diligent monitoring, taking their fingers off the pulse of the ecosystem
is difficult to do.
As the non-profit arm of the Hubbard Brook enterprise, our hands at the Foundation
are not tied, and we are free to lend them in support of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem
Study. HBRF staff can work and communicate through the political ferment, and our
facilities are available to support our academic partners.  The HBRF would not exist
without engaged and loyal donors who believe in the power of science to inform environmental
We are optimistic that our Forest Service partners will soon be permitted to switch
their phones and computers back on as they return to business as usual.  Thank you
for enabling us to support Hubbard Brook through this period of upheaval in a political
system that has fallen out of equilibrium.  With your help, we will be here through
and beyond the next budget deadline, working in support of a stable Hubbard Brook.
Click here to make a secure, online contribution. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y06YBRi8QcXdBm575hOC7iIAun7sUFeTdaQ1RWWPKKyqNMB8gJwhk71isGqsMvGWrv0TIXsFjpIWlbIvjiji7UARCxGPSbxh6wLI0DLMTawkzs1KrytAV40EPy5aUob3734haThXdF98mPRu5hafuZTZKCJsRUSE4rKLX9Z8Sl22ozrww8nGC_oBkAxMrqn8i182zxmJ6KE=&c=_Ej1SCVlcLhPYNGXeXhI1uaSYUf49vfo3jnw2BVWtZcbrG-aIqjY6w==&ch=MlNIAh9l0UfET1xWG8Z7ObK_jmkJpyzrLuL-q_KukNC4YXKSMf2W1g==]

The Hubbard Brook Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
supporting the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study.

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Hubbard Brook Research Foundation | 32 Pleasant Street | Woodstock | VT | 05091
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