[LTER-sbc_help] Travel to Hubbard Brook

Hubbard Brook Research Foundation elisa.speckert at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 12:05:57 PDT 2017

Travel to Hubbard Brook
Hubbard Brook has several events happening over the next week, and we would like
 to make sure all of our attendees are able to make it here safely and quickly! 
Due to the storm last week, many of the roads in NH have experienced flood-related
damage and may be closed or difficult to navigate. Most notably, Rte. 25A from Orford
to Wentworth, NH is closed in several places and is not expected to reopen before
next week.  If you typically take Rte. 25A, consider taking I89S to Exit 17 and 
then taking Rte. 4E to Rte. 118 to NH-25 into Plymouth. From there you can take 
I93N to Hubbard Brook.
If you are planning to travel to Hubbard Brook in the near future, please check
New England 511 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001EkgFYOAZ6WLI3af-NKuknMvRaU3lY5sYfvsAwUXScyd-aCRZC5eSTYAuIzZFTJUuY2KWzi9q0a0DbCexFnAj9eYiz2r3EdaJ3cUG5UlTPEt3Zik9NS6gEfcOG3V6Rj2usje_ZjXUWGuIP11uO4cNVyOA3Lo-J2FR2ys5JoSw1As=&c=5czvr8CtNDuHYRqpYDSKO36BaGAbHKiMQQ4jWZJiqkk6OYt9sJEJkQ==&ch=J9vE-kr2KmDpmzTuM8UordzxPCb7Vjst_w_aALUM1umxhdimvJ12RA==]
to make sure that any roads you are taking have not been impacted by flooding. Thank

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Hubbard Brook Research Foundation | 30 Pleasant Street | Woodstock | VT | 05091
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