[LTER-sbc_grad] information on SBC midterm review_ PLEASE

Dan Reed dan.reed at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Fri Oct 2 18:32:54 MDT 2015

Dear colleagues,

We are busy preparing for our upcoming SBC LTER's midterm review to be 
held at UCSB on October 20-22.

An agenda for the review is available at 
http://sbc.lternet.edu/siteReview.html.  You are all invited to attend 
the morning  overview presentation and the afternoon poster session and 
social on Tuesday (Oct 20) and the afternoon presentations on Wed (Oct 
21), all of which will take place in the MSRB auditorium and courtyard. 
You are also invited to attend the field trip to local kelp forests on 
board the Condor Express Wed morning.  Presentation of posters is by 
invitation only as are the beach and watershed field trips and Tuesday's 

A briefing document detailing our project's activities and 
accomplishments during the first three years of our current award (which 
is what we are being evaluated on) is available at:
Everyone is encouraged to read this document, especially if you are 
participating in the review.  It is also a good idea to read the 
proposal for our current award as the charge to the review team is to 
evaluate the progress that we have made in achieving the goals described 
in the proposal.  Our proposal is available at: 

Members of the site review team are:

Jon D. Witman

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,Brown University, Providence, RI  02912



Dr. Jim Fourqurean

Seagrass Ecosystem Research Lab, Florida International University, 
Miami, FL33199


Matthew Reidenbach

Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904


Lora Harris

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland, Solomons, MD 20688


Danie Kinkade (IM/IT Site Review Expert)

Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543


More information will be coming so stay tuned for additional emails from 
me or Jenny Dugan.



Dan Reed
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
(805) 893-8363 office phone
(805) 893-8062 FAX
Email: dan.reed at lifesci.ucsb.edu

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