[LTER-sbc_all] Fwd: SBC LTER Graduate Seminar- Winter 2019
Jenny Dugan
j_dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Wed Jan 9 11:07:13 PST 2019
Happy New Year!
I am writing to remind you about the SBC LTER Graduate Seminar that Libe
Washburn is teaching this Winter quarter- details below. Please mark your
calendars for Wednesdays from 2 to 4 pm. The first meeting is today.
Seminar title: “The Santa Barbara Coastal LTER IV and related topics in
marine ecology and coastal oceanography”
GEOG 264 – “Seminar in Oceanography”
Instructor: Libe Washburn
Enrollment code: 58396
Seminar time: Wednesdays, 2-4 pm
Seminar location: Ellison 4824
This seminar is motivated by the successful renewal of the Santa Barbara
Coastal Long Term Ecological Research project (SBC LTER IV). The seminar
will review the overall research plan of SBC LTER IV along with its
specific research themes and related rationales and approaches.
Relevant background topics from marine ecology, evolutionary biology, and
coastal oceanography will also be reviewed. The seminar will include
presentations by members of the UCSB marine science community who are
working in the SBC LTER. Graduate students will be introduced to
researchers, faculty, post-docs, and other graduate students who are
currently conducting SBC LTER-related research.
The main goals of the seminar are two-fold: (1) to acquaint new and
continuing graduate students with the scope of proposed research in SBC
LTER IV, and (2) to review past and ongoing research that the new program
will build on. Please consider attending this seminar, especially if your
dissertation research is related to the SBC LTER IV and if you are
supported by the project.
*Jenny Dugan*
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
Phone: 805-893-2675
email: j_dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
SBC LTER: http://sbc.lternet.edu/index.html
*Jenny Dugan*
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
Phone: 805-893-2675
email: j_dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
SBC LTER: http://sbc.lternet.edu/index.html
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