[LTER-sbc_all] SBC LTER winter quarter activities - MARK YOUR CALENDARS

reed dan.reed at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Mon Jan 9 09:27:11 PST 2017

Hello everyone,

In preparation for SBC LTER's renewal proposal we have organized working 
groups around particular research themes relevant to our project.  
Working groups are in the process of organizing themselves to synthesize 
information on:
     a) work done to date and "stellar contributions" and opportunities 
for future research
     b) the status of ongoing research and work that needs to be done by 
the end of the year for inclusion in the proposal (due Feb 2018)
     c) ideas and potential questions for proposed research for SBC IV 
renewal proposal

Each working group will present a summary of their findings to the 
broader SBC community in winter quarter 2017, with ample time for 
interactive discussion on the three topics listed above.

The schedule of working group presentations is shown below.  All 
presentations will be held from *11am - noon in the MSRB auditorium.
*All SBC participants (investigators, post docs students and staff) are 
encouraged to attend.  If you would like to particpate in a workin group 
and do not see your name, then please contact the group leader.

Looking forward to seeing you this quarter.


*WORKING GROUP* 	*GROUP MEMBERS (leader in bold)* 	*Presentation date*
Coastal carbonate system: patterns, drivers and ecological consequences 
*Craig Carlson*, Dan, Libe, Gretchen,Debora, Mark B 	3-Feb
Recycled nitrogen: sources, fluxes and utilization 	*John Melack*, Mark 
B, Mark P, Bob, Dan, Jason, Craig, Alyson, Deron 	10-Feb
Plankton: sources and drivers of coastal production 	*Bob M**iller**, 
Mark Brzezinsk*i, Mark P, Debora, Libe, Nick, Dave, Craig 	17-Feb
Organic matter : movement and processing in the coastal zone 	*Bob 
M**iller*, Jenny, Mark P, John, Dan, Hunter 	24-Feb
Kelp forests: patterns and drivers of ecological structure and function 
*Dan**Reed*, Sally H,, Bob, Rass, Kyle, Max,Doug, Hunter, Adrian	10-Mar
Physical transport: processes affecting material exchange in the coastal 
zone 	*Dave**Siegel, **John Melack*, Bob, Libe, Nick, Sally M, Rosana, 
Leonel, Rachel, Carter, Max, Thomas 	17-Mar

Dan Reed
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA
phone: 805-893-8363

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