[LTER-sbc_all] 7th SBC LTER Research workshop June 8th 11 am - 1 pm

Jenny Dugan jenny.dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Thu May 28 06:39:18 MDT 2015

Hi everyone,

The 7th workshop in our series on SBC LTER
        research is coming up on Monday, June 8th from 11 am - 1 pm in
          the MSRB auditorium. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us.

The purpose of these workshops is to convey the ongoing progress
        and discuss future plans of the major research themes that are being
        studied by SBC LTER during our current six-year
        award.  Coordination and synthesis among the major research
        themes are major criteria by which LTER sites are evaluated.  


        we prepare for our midterm review in October 2015 it is 
        important for all project participants to have a general
        understanding of all the major elements of the SBC LTER research
 program. Our series of workshops planned for this academic year are
        intended to provide SBC participants with this general

Our 7th workshop in this series will focus on Theme 3c "Fate and transport of phytoplankton NPP".

Please save the date and be sure to join us at this workshop for informative
        presentations and lively discussion.  Light refreshments will be
        served so come early. The workshop is open to all interested

Many Thanks,



Jenny Dugan
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
Phone: 805-893-2675
email: j_dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
http://msi.ucsb.edu/people/research-scientists/jenny-dugan () 
 http://sbc.lternet.edu/index.html(" http:="" index.html""="" sbc.lternet.edu="">SBC LTER:  
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