[LTER-sbc_all] Fwd: [Seminars] Lydia Kapsenberg PhD Exit Seminar

Jenny Dugan jenny.dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
Thu Jul 30 12:56:29 MDT 2015

Hi Everyone,









“Ocean pH
              variability in the
              context of global change biology”



     August 7, 2015 at 10:00 am



     Marine Science Research
              Building (MSRB) Auditorium



Abstract: Anthropogenic
            carbon emissions are predicted to alter marine ecosystems in
            ways. One such effect is the decline in pH, or ocean
            acidification. Global
            ocean carbon model predictions of ocean acidification have
            guided biological
            experiments for more than a decade, with many studies
            predicting negative
            consequences of future ocean pH on marine invertebrates.
            However, to understand
            how species will respond to future conditions, knowledge of
            organisms’ present-day
            local pH exposure is necessary and often underdescribed. In
            this seminar, I
            will describe pH variability in two of the most sensitive
            marine ecosystems to
            ocean acidification: coastal Southern Ocean and the
            California Current
            Upwelling System. Results from this research show that
            coastal species
            experience changes in pH that are outside the envelope of
            change predicted with
            ocean acidification by the end of the century. This body of
            research provides
            the environmental data necessary to study organismal
            tolerance and local
            adaptation to ocean change. As anthropogenic stressors
            continue to take hold of
            coastal seas, understanding the biological consequences is
            critical for
            maintaining healthy marine ecosystems and guiding coastal
            management decision-making.  





Jenny Dugan
Marine Science Institute
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
Phone: 805-893-2675
email: j_dugan at lifesci.ucsb.edu
http://msi.ucsb.edu/people/research-scientists/jenny-dugan () 
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