[LTER-nco-comm] Verify Your Domain Before Sending

MailChimp Account Services accountservices at mailchimp.com
Wed Jan 24 16:31:42 PST 2018

An account is trying to send email from your domain.

The MailChimp account with the username downs at nceas.ucsb.edu is attempting to use an email address at your domain, (lternet.edu).

Before the account can use this domain, you'll need to verify that it's authorized to do so (http://eepurl.com/7erDn).
If you don't wish to authorize this domain, please disregard this message.

Verify Domain Access: https://us12.admin.mailchimp.com/account/domain-verify?id=bHRlcm5ldC5lZHV8Mzg2YjMzYTk1Y2RkfA==

Alternatively, you can enter this verification code into MailChimp:

675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE Suite 5000 Atlanta, GA 30308 USA

Contact Us [http://www.mailchimp.com/contact/]
Terms of Use [http://mailchimp.com/legal/terms/]
Privacy Policy [http://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/]
Log In to MailChimp [https://login.mailchimp.com]
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