[LTER-mcr_all] Annonce thèse L. Thiault 30 sept 9h CRIOBE Moorea

Cécile Berthe cecile.berthe at criobe.pf
Sat Sep 16 13:28:09 PDT 2017

Bonjour à tous,

Le CRIOBE a le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de thèse de Lauric
Thiault, doctorant UPMC-CRIOBE, qui aura lieu le 30 septembre à 9h00 dans
le nouvel amphithéâtre du CRIOBE à Moorea (1ère thèse officiellement
soutenue à Moorea !).

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Intitulé de la thèse “Vulnérabilité socio-écologique: de l’évaluation à
l’action”. *Thèse présentée en français et soutenue publiquement le 30
septembre 2017* devant un jury.

Contemporary sustainability science and practice must embrace the
complexity of social-ecological systems and capitalize on the lessons
learned from the recent theoretical and applied advances made in various
disciplines. This can be accomplished in particular by incorporating this
extensive knowledge into management and decision making through integrative
and operational frameworks. Based on contrasting but complementary case
studies (coral reef fishery in Moorea, French Polynesia; artisanal benthic
fishery in Chile; global food systems), and drawing from the recent
development in social-ecological science, I extended the use of the
social-ecological vulnerability framework by (1) mapping human-nature
dependencies in the context of resource-user interactions, (2) integrating
the temporal dimension, (3) accounting for multiple drivers of change and
(4) their impact on diverse entities of the system considered.
Specifically, based on the Progressive-Change BACIPS approach in Moorea
(Chapter I), I show that the current marine spatial planning has unlikely
contributed to improve ecological outcomes, thus casting doubts on its
capacity to meet its conservation and fishery management objectives. In
Chapter II, I showed how the use of mixed methods combining different data
sources allowed us to map fishing effort in the challenging context of
Moorea where fishing is diffuse among inhabitants and along the coast.
Using this information within a vulnerability framework (Chapter III) I
mapped resource-user interdependencies, to highlight focal areas for
management interventions in Moorea. Then I developed a framework combining
spatial social and ecological vulnerabilities to recommend interventions
portfolio in those focal areas, specifically targeting each social and
ecological conditions within each management spatial unit. In Chapter V I
showed how vulnerability assessments in two different times can be used to
capture combined changes in social-ecological systems in response to direct
and indirect drivers. This approach precluded me to identify the specific
response of the social-ecological system to each of the drivers, therefore,
in Chapter VI, I developed a framework to disentangle the effect of direct
and indirect drivers on the vulnerability of fishing communities involved
in the management of common-pool resources through TURFs. Finally, I
assessed in Chapter VII how countries are vulnerable to the effects of
climate change on agriculture and fisheries globally to show how
vulnerability assessments can be suited in a cross-sectorial management
context. This interdisciplinary work provided the foundation to represent
key linkages in social-ecological systems, understand the underlying
sources of unsustainability, and address these through a set of targeted
and context-grounded management interventions and policy actions. This
thesis provides a new perspective on human-nature linkages and has a number
practical implications for managers, conservation planners, and
policy-makers that seek to incorporate a social-ecological perspective to
tackle sustainability issues from local to global scales.

Lauric THIAULT, PhD candidate at Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC)
Phone: 07 68 97 38 58
Email: lauric.thiault at gmail.com
Skype: lauricthiault

*Cécile BERTHE*
PSL Research University: EPHE-UPVD-CNRS, USR 3278 CRIOBE
Laboratoire d'Excellence "CORAIL <http://www.labex-corail.fr/>"
Tel : (+689) 40 56 13 45
Port : (+689) 87 31 05 54
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