[LTER-mcmlter] Call Center Services for RIAlliance

Emily Kirkland emily at callcenters.website
Fri Sep 20 09:13:22 PDT 2019


My name is Emily and I am with CallCenters, a service that
compares quotes for Call Centers. Call Centers can be leveraged for
Customer Support, scheduling appointments and increasing sales in many
industries. Handle all your customer calls in a professional manner and
generate sales utilizing qualified salespeople.

Please provide the following information in order to compose a Quote:

* Full Name
* Company Name
* Phone number
- Zip Code
* How many calls do you anticipate?
* What type of coverage are you looking for (Business Hours/24

I encourage you check our pricing by replying to this email.

Best regards,
Emily Kirkland
Call Center Specialist
Emily at CallCenters.website

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