[LTER-mcmlter] Postage Meter for RIAlliance

Sandy Hill sandy at findpostagemeter.com
Tue Jan 24 05:34:05 PST 2017


My name is Sandy and I’m with FindPostageMeter.com, which keeps
small businesses such as RIAlliance up to date
on the best deals offered by nationwide postage meter vendors.

Studies have shown that:

* Small businesses can salvage up to 20% of postage costs a year
by switching to a postage meter.
* Small businesses that use a postage meter are up to 20%
more productive than those who don't.

Even if you’re already using a postage meter at RIAlliance,
it’s always wise to compare the product you are currently using
to that of other vendors.
Are you paying too much?
Are there additional features being offered for the same or a
lesser price by other vendors?

The following information will be needed in order to compose a Quote:

* Full Name
* Company Name
* Phone number
* Zip
* What is your average daily postage volume ?
* How much do you typically allocate to postage on a monthly basis?
* Does your office currently have a postage meter?

I encourage you to check out FindPostageMeter.com

Best regards,
Sandy Hill
Sandy at FindPostageMeter.com

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