[LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: Collaboration on Lake Fryxell and Bonney

Diane McKnight Diane.Mcknight at colorado.edu
Wed Mar 9 15:34:49 MST 2016

Not me either. Cheers Diane

On 3/9/2016 3:30 PM, Priscu, John wrote:
> Not me
> *From:*mcm-pi [mailto:mcm-pi-bounces at lists.lternet.edu] *On Behalf Of 
> *Peter Doran
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 09, 2016 2:26 PM
> *To:* mcm-pi at lternet.edu
> *Subject:* [LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: Collaboration on Lake Fryxell and Bonney
> Does anyone know where these guys got Fryxell and Bonney samples from? 
> This is a little awkward since I was going to collaborate with a new 
> assistant prof at LSU who also works on alkenones. We were going to 
> work on sediments. I neglected to respond to this email because - busy 
> and forgot. Just got an email from Paul Cutler saying he's been 
> contacted by Huang and asking about availability of my sediments 
> collected under NSF support (over 10 years ago)
> -------- Original Message --------
> *Subject: *
> Collaboration on Lake Fryxell and Bonney
> *Date: *
> Wed, 24 Feb 2016 11:11:10 -0500
> *From: *
> Huang, Yongsong <yongsong_huang at brown.edu> 
> <mailto:yongsong_huang at brown.edu>
> *To: *
> pdoran at lsu.edu <mailto:pdoran at lsu.edu>
> Dear Peter:
> My graduate student Nora Richter contacted you a while ago about the 
> collaborations on Lake Fryxell and Bonney.
> I would like to provide some background about my research group and 
> why we are so interested in Dry Valley lakes.
> My research group has been very active in studying cold norther 
> hemisphere lakes including those from Greenland, Arctic Alaska and 
> Tibetan Plateau. Here is the abstract for my NSF Alaska grant: 
> https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1503846&HistoricalAwards=false.
> We have been actively publishing alkenones in lakes for the past 
> decade and I would not be ashamed to say, currently, my group is the 
> best in the world in terms of our understanding of lacustrine 
> alkenones and their application for paleoclimate and paleoecological 
> applications. We also developed major technical expertise on studying 
> these compounds and have ability to unambiguously identify alkenone 
> double bond positions - there were major problems with old 
> methodologies and hence many papers publish only tentative 
> identification of double bond positions (such as Caroline Jaraula 
> paper in organic geochemistry on tentative identification of penta 
> unsaturated alkenones). I also work with Linda Amaral at Marine 
> Biological Lab closely (she is expert on DNA sequencing, and has state 
> of the art facilities). My lab is a full scale organic geochemistry 
> lab with all gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry and 
> isotope ratio mass spectrometry (I have four mass spectrometers): few 
> organic geochemistry labs in the U.S. have the scale of analytical 
> capability as in my lab.
> Here is our in press paper on lake alkenones: 
> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016703716300576. We 
> will publish a cluster of papers this year since we have made major 
> multiple breakthrough discoveries in the area.
> If you are interested, you can find my full paper list in my google 
> citation page: 
> https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xel8cGsAAAAJ&hl=en
> Sorry these may look like I am bragging. However, it has been really 
> difficult to convince experts like you on Antarctic lakes that we can 
> really contribute to the science in ways no other research group can.
> We have already carried out initial work on Lake Fryxell and Lake 
> Bonney sediment and water column samples, and found fascinating new 
> things - we can publish a paper, even just based on our data now.
> I will be really keen to talk to you on the phone. I really would like 
> to work on sediment cores from Fryxell and Bonney, and can assure you 
> we will make major new discoveries in collaboration with you.
> Thanks a lot,
> Yongsong
> -- 
> Dr. Yongsong Huang
> Professor
> Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
> Brown University
> Providence , Rhode Island 02912
> U.S.A.
> Tel: 401-863-3822
> Email: Yongsong_Huang at brown.edu <mailto:Yongsong_Huang at brown.edu>
> http://brown.edu/Departments/Geology/people/facultypage.php?id=1106969965
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Diane McKnight
1560 30th Street
Boulder, CO 80309
cellphone 857 998-1926
I am currently a program director in Arctic Systems Sciences at NSF and may reply intermittently to this email account.

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