[LTER-mcm-pi] 5 min gem for the week

Michael Gooseff michael.gooseff at colorado.edu
Wed Sep 16 10:27:53 MDT 2015

Thanks, John, this is terrific.

I’ll type up my notes and send them around ASAP.


From: mcm-pi on behalf of "Priscu, John"
Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 at 10:15 AM
To: "mcm-pi at lists.lternet.edu<mailto:mcm-pi at lists.lternet.edu>"
Subject: [LTER-mcm-pi] 5 min gem for the week

Sorry that I missed the call yesterday—didn’t get home from Europe until midnight and was not well organized—in other words, I forgot about the call.

Here would be my gem for the week: So, where does the MCM fit into Terborgh’s scheme? We have few predators (I think we do—at least for the lakes), yet biodiversity is relatively high. What replaces predators in our system—Viruses? physical disruption? Maybe physical disruption occurs faster than competitive exclusion, maintaining high diversity? This kind of contemporaneous disequilibrium has been proposed by Richerson et al. 1970 (attached) [Richerson was the chair of my grad committee].

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