[LTER-mcm-pi] 5 min gem for the week

Priscu, John jpriscu at montana.edu
Wed Sep 16 10:15:48 MDT 2015

Sorry that I missed the call yesterday-didn't get home from Europe until midnight and was not well organized-in other words, I forgot about the call.

Here would be my gem for the week: So, where does the MCM fit into Terborgh's scheme? We have few predators (I think we do-at least for the lakes), yet biodiversity is relatively high. What replaces predators in our system-Viruses? physical disruption? Maybe physical disruption occurs faster than competitive exclusion, maintaining high diversity? This kind of contemporaneous disequilibrium has been proposed by Richerson et al. 1970 (attached) [Richerson was the chair of my grad committee].

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