[LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: Postdoc in Antarctic Ecosystem Modeling available at University of Hawaii -- SCAR Cross-Program workshop BCN 2015 participants
Diana.Wall at colostate.edu
Wed Oct 28 09:12:17 MDT 2015
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From: Craig Smith <craigsmi at hawaii.edu<mailto:craigsmi at hawaii.edu>>
Subject: Postdoc in Antarctic Ecosystem Modeling available at University of Hawaii -- SCAR Cross-Program workshop BCN 2015 participants
Date: October 27, 2015 at 7:35:59 PM MDT
To: Julian Gutt <julian.gutt at awi.de<mailto:julian.gutt at awi.de>>, Enrique Isla <isla at icm.csic.es<mailto:isla at icm.csic.es>>, Irene Schloss <irene_schloss at uqar.ca<mailto:irene_schloss at uqar.ca>>, Jose carlos caetano Xavier <jxavier at zoo.uc.pt<mailto:jxavier at zoo.uc.pt>>, Diana Wall <Diana.Wall at colostate.edu<mailto:Diana.Wall at colostate.edu>>, Sieglinde Ott <otts at uni-duesseldorf.de<mailto:otts at uni-duesseldorf.de>>, Vonda Cummings <Vonda.Cummings at niwa.co.nz<mailto:Vonda.Cummings at niwa.co.nz>>, Guido di Prisco <guido.diprisco at ibbr.cnr.it<mailto:guido.diprisco at ibbr.cnr.it>>, Cinzia Verde <cinzia.verde at ibbr.cnr.it<mailto:cinzia.verde at ibbr.cnr.it>>, Thomas Saucede <thomas.Saucede at u-bourgogne.fr<mailto:thomas.Saucede at u-bourgogne.fr>>, Fred Jopp <Fred.Jopp at allzool.bio.uni-giessen.de<mailto:Fred.Jopp at allzool.bio.uni-giessen.de>>, Satoshi IMURA <imura at nipr.ac.jp<mailto:imura at nipr.ac.jp>>, Dave DeMaster <demaster at ncsu.edu<mailto:demaster at ncsu.edu>>, 'Jerónimo López- Martínez' <jeronimo.lopez at uam.es<mailto:jeronimo.lopez at uam.es>>, "J. Stefels" <j.stefels at rug.nl<mailto:j.stefels at rug.nl>>, Scarlett Trimborn <scarlett.trimborn at awi.de<mailto:scarlett.trimborn at awi.de>>, "oscar at marine.rutgers.edu<mailto:oscar at marine.rutgers.edu>" <oscar at marine.rutgers.edu<mailto:oscar at marine.rutgers.edu>>, ROPERT COUDERT Yan <Yan.ROPERT-COUDERT at cebc.cnrs.fr<mailto:Yan.ROPERT-COUDERT at cebc.cnrs.fr>>, Yan Ropert-Coudert <yan.ropert-coudert at iphc.cnrs.fr<mailto:yan.ropert-coudert at iphc.cnrs.fr>>, "Cavanagh, Rachel D." <rcav at bas.ac.uk<mailto:rcav at bas.ac.uk>>, Huw Griffiths <hjg at bas.ac.uk<mailto:hjg at bas.ac.uk>>, "J.Strugnell at latrobe.edu.au<mailto:J.Strugnell at latrobe.edu.au>" <J.Strugnell at latrobe.edu.au<mailto:J.Strugnell at latrobe.edu.au>>, Pete Convey <pcon at bas.ac.uk<mailto:pcon at bas.ac.uk>>, Elie Verleyen <Elie.Verleyen at UGent.be<mailto:Elie.Verleyen at UGent.be>>, Alison Murray <Alison.Murray at dri.edu<mailto:Alison.Murray at dri.edu>>, Stefano Schiaparelli <stefano.schiaparelli at unige.it<mailto:stefano.schiaparelli at unige.it>>, Nerida Wilson <nerida.wilson at museum.wa.gov.au<mailto:nerida.wilson at museum.wa.gov.au>>, Alix Post <alix.post at ga.gov.au<mailto:alix.post at ga.gov.au>>, Uffe Nielsen <U.Nielsen at westernsydney.edu.au<mailto:U.Nielsen at westernsydney.edu.au>>, 'Nancy Bertler' <Nancy.Bertler at vuw.ac.nz<mailto:Nancy.Bertler at vuw.ac.nz>>, Thomas Bracegridle <tjbra at bas.ac.uk<mailto:tjbra at bas.ac.uk>>, Reed Scherer <reed at niu.edu<mailto:reed at niu.edu>>, Craig Stevens <Craig.Stevens at niwa.co.nz<mailto:Craig.Stevens at niwa.co.nz>>, deconto <deconto at geo.umass.edu<mailto:deconto at geo.umass.edu>>, Greg Bodeker <greg at bodekerscientific.com<mailto:greg at bodekerscientific.com>>, "Comiso, Josefino C. (GSFC-6150)" <josefino.c.comiso at nasa.gov<mailto:josefino.c.comiso at nasa.gov>>, "Matthew England (m.england at unsw.edu.au<mailto:m.england at unsw.edu.au>)" <m.england at unsw.edu.au<mailto:m.england at unsw.edu.au>>, Alia Khan <alialauren at gmail.com<mailto:alialauren at gmail.com>>, Jenny Baeseman <jbaeseman at gmail.com<mailto:jbaeseman at gmail.com>>, Graham Hosie <graham.hosie at iinet.net.au<mailto:graham.hosie at iinet.net.au>>, Andrew Constable <Andrew.Constable at aad.gov.au<mailto:Andrew.Constable at aad.gov.au>>, "hofmann at ccpo.odu.edu<mailto:hofmann at ccpo.odu.edu>" <hofmann at ccpo.odu.edu<mailto:hofmann at ccpo.odu.edu>>, Walker Smith <wos at vims.edu<mailto:wos at vims.edu>>
Dear Workshop participants,
We are advertizing for a postdoctoral position in Ecosystem Modeling to carry out research within our FjordEco Project, which is very relevant to our BCN workshop. May I ask you to post and distribute the ad below (and attached) for promising candidates in your institutions?
Thanks very much,
Postdoctoral Position in EcoSystem Modeling in the FjordEco Project the at University of Hawaii
University of Hawaii, School of Ocean and Earth Science Technology (SOEST), Antarctic Oceanography Ecosystem Modeling.
SOEST at the University of Hawai`i in Manoa seeks a Postdoctoral Scholar to collaborate in a significant inter-disciplinary and multi-institutional (Scripps, U. Hawaii, U. Alaska) project (the FjordEco Project see summary below) to observe, simulate, and understand the extreme biological productivity blooms that occur in the fjords of the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) coupled with a state-of-the-art ecosystem model, we will examine the processes that sustain a season long bloom in the Antarctic fjord. A significant observational program will be conducted, and the observations will help to validate the model processes. The results will provide new insight into the mechanisms that make the Antarctic fjords among the most biologically productive sites and how these mechanisms may be sensitive to changes in the Earth system. Further research into the influence of these physical processes on the biology of the region will be encouraged. The successful candidate will join a dynamic team of biological oceanographers, physical oceanographers and glaciologists studying fjord ecosystem dynamics along the West Antarctic Peninsula.
The successful candidate will be responsible for development of new ecosystem simulation of Antarctic fjords, comparison with in situ data, scientific research into impacts on the Fjord ecosystem, and understanding the controlling factors of nutrient delivery into the ecosystem. It is expected that the successful candidate will publish scientific articles and contribute to and/or write new funding proposals, etc.
Minimum Qualifications include: Ph.D. or equivalent in biological oceanography, physical oceanography (with ecosystem experience), marine ecosystems, or related field, ability to work well independently as part of a team, and strong communication skills both verbal and written. Preferred candidates will have experience with ecosystem modeling, mathematical and computational skills with background in ecosystem dynamics. Candidates should be motivated to drive new developments in ecosystems simulations.
The appointment is planned for three years, and it will be reviewed annually and renewed based upon performance and funding. Stipend is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Review of applications will begin immediately, and will proceed until the position is filled. Electronic applications containing: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) one-page statement of research interests; (3) one published academic article most indicative of your work; (4) contact information for three references to <mailto:powellb at hawaii.edu> powellb at hawaii.edu<mailto:powellb at hawaii.edu>. Email verification will be sent upon receipt of your application, please inquire if receipt is not received. For more information, please contact Dr. Brian Powell <powellb at hawaii.edu><mailto:powellb at hawaii.edu>.
The University of Hawaii is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, veteran status, or disability. Applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged.
Dr. Craig R. Smith
Department of Oceanography
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
tel.: 808-956-7776
fax: 808-956-8668
email:craigsmi at hawaii.edu<mailto:email:craigsmi at hawaii.edu>
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