[LTER-mcm-pi] Kurz done

Peter Doran pdoran at lsu.edu
Thu Jun 11 20:23:25 MDT 2015

*Wilch named as antarctic earth sciences program director*

Thomas Wilch has been named as Polar's Program Director for ?#?Antarctic 
Sciences. He will replace Mark Kurz, who has managed the program since 
April 2013 and whose appointment ends on Sept. 30.

Wilch, who is the chairman of the Department of Geologic Sciences at 
Albion College in Albion, Mich., has worked on a variety of Antarctic 
research projects, including two that focus on using volcanic records to 
reconstruct the history of the Antarctic ice sheet and on the 
multi-national ANDRILL project, which drilled deep into Antarctic 
sediments to study glacial history and obtain a record that can be used 
to help predict future climate trends.

Wilch holds a masters degree in quaternary studies from University of 
Maine and a doctorate in geology from the New Mexico Institute of Mining 
and Technology.

He will begin at NSF on June 29 as a participant in the 
Intergovernmental Personnel Act Program 

Peter Doran, Professor and John Franks Chair
Department of Geology and Geophysics
E235 Howe Russell Geosciences Complex
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA 70803

Ph: 225-578-3955
Fx: 225-578-2302


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