[LTER-mcm-pi] socks and long johns

Michael Gooseff mgooseff at rams.colostate.edu
Mon Jun 8 23:01:47 MDT 2015

Perhaps we should buy a boat to plan for the day that they don’t fly us to the ice anymore!  

Yeah, we should put these sorts of costs into our new proposal, the trick is to be SURE to put it into your budget justifications.  I have heard many universities balk at purchasing specialized clothing on federal grants.  Your budget justification turns into a contract when it becomes a grant, which you can use to trump inquiries by accountants that may otherwise be unfamiliar with our project and its needs.  

Andrew has done this with plastic boots in the past, I believe, so there’s precedent.  


> On Jun 8, 2015, at 7:14 AM, Peter Doran <pdoran at lsu.edu> wrote:
> Did everyone see USAP will no longer be providing socks and long underwear? I think being based in Louisiana, it's a bit much to ask students to fork out this expense, so I'll probably be buying. Maybe start adding a clothing line item to budgets in addition to physicals and shipping...
> -- 
> Peter Doran, Professor and John Franks Chair
> Department of Geology and Geophysics
> E235 Howe Russell Geosciences Complex
> Louisiana State University
> Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA 70803
> Ph: 225-578-3955
> Fx: 225-578-2302
> http://geology.lsu.edu/People/Faculty/item73533.html
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