[LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: BIOSCIENCE update

Byron Adams byron_adams at byu.edu
Fri Jun 5 16:14:47 MDT 2015

Hi folks - Sorry I couldn’t be on the conference call, here’s an update on the Bioscience chapter 4:
Since there was a concern that we would be overlapping a lot with the MCM synthesis paper that Mike is heading up, and Mike also thought that chapter 4 might be treading on Andrew’s chapter a little bit, Mike, Jeb and I had a conference call a couple of weeks ago to clarify things - first, we sorted out that what goes in chapter 4 that is related to the synthesis paper is just a few sentences, and the full-blown story will still be told in the synthesis paper.  Second, the stuff for Andrew’s chapter would focus more on the processes associated with the response(s), and the chapter 4 stuff would focus more on the biological/taxonomic responses (Mike, Jeb - correct me if I’m wrong!).  Lastly, Rachael Morgan-Kiss will also be contributing to our chapter on some of the lake eukaryotes.

I will work with Oscar to make sure we’re on the same page handling the Biosci deadlines and try to do a better job of keeping everyone in the loop.  I’m still in London but will be back next week.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Priscu, John" <jpriscu at montana.edu<mailto:jpriscu at montana.edu>>
Subject: BIOSCIENCE update
Date: June 5, 2015 at 4:56:10 PM GMT+1
To: "Andrew Fountain (andrew at pdx.edu<mailto:andrew at pdx.edu>)" <andrew at pdx.edu<mailto:andrew at pdx.edu>>, "Maciej Obryk (mobryk2 at uic.edu<mailto:mobryk2 at uic.edu>)" <mobryk2 at uic.edu<mailto:mobryk2 at uic.edu>>, Jeff Bowman <bowmanjs at ldeo.columbia.edu<mailto:bowmanjs at ldeo.columbia.edu>>, "Tristy Vick (tristyv at gmail.com<mailto:tristyv at gmail.com>)" <tristyv at gmail.com<mailto:tristyv at gmail.com>>, "Byron J. Adams" <bjadams at byu.edu<mailto:bjadams at byu.edu>>, Sharon E Stammerjohn <Sharon.Stammerjohn at colorado.edu<mailto:Sharon.Stammerjohn at colorado.edu>>, "Oscar Schofield (oscar at marine.rutgers.edu<mailto:oscar at marine.rutgers.edu>)" <oscar at marine.rutgers.edu<mailto:oscar at marine.rutgers.edu>>, "Hugh Ducklow (hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu<mailto:hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu>)" <hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu<mailto:hducklow at ldeo.columbia.edu>>


I believe that you are the lead authors on the PAL and MCM side of the manuscripts being prepared for BIOSCIENCE (please correct me if I am wrong and feel free to circulate this message to all authors).

The status of the papers as I know it follows:

PAPER 1: “Response to major climate events (eg, 2001-02) that caused changes in the structure of the PAL ecosystem and enhanced biological connectivity in the MCM”

Tentative Authors:  PAL: S. Stammerjohn; B. Fraser; G. Saba;  MCM: A. Fountain; P. Doran; M. Gooseff; J. Turner

General Theme: This paper provides continent-wide climate patterns with a focus on changes that occurred in 2001-02. There is little biology in this paper—it provides a nice introduction for the other papers.

Status: In draft form
PAPER 2: “Trends and changes in sea ice and lake ice and comparison of the pelagic ecosystem consequences at two Antarctic sites”

Tentative Authors: PAL: Ducklow, H., Friedlaender, A., Stammerjohn, S.; MCM: Obryk, M., Doran, P., Priscu, J., Gooseff, M.

Status: in draft form

General Theme: This paper focuses on temporal changes in ice cover duration/thickness and its influence on under ice PAR and various biological components of the ecosystem. The text will focus on changes that occurred in 2001-02 and have a general “climate-driven” emphasis.
PAPER 3:  “Temporal trends in metabolic and phylogenetic diversity in Antarctic lakes and coastal marine ecosystems”

Tentative Authors: PAL: J. Bowman, H. Ducklow;  MCM:  C. Takacs-Vesbach; T. Vick-Majors, J. Priscu, R. Morgan-Kiss

Status: Nothing drafted.

General Theme: This paper will focus on long-term trends in prokaryotic abundance, productivity and diversity in the water column. The text should/will focus on changes that occurred in 2001-02 and have a general “climate-driven” emphasis.
Paper 4: “Climate driven shifts in Antarctic terrestrial and marine eukaryotes”

Tentative Authors: PAL: O. Schofield, D. Steinberg, B. Fraser; MCM: B. Adams, D. McKnight, D. Wall. R. Morgan-Kiss

Status: Nothing drafted. It appears that this manuscript has “stalled”- but I could be wrong. Authors, please provide us with an update.

General Theme: ?? The text should/will focus on changes that occurred in 2001-02 and have a general “climate-driven” emphasis.

PATH FORWARD: I was supposed to have these papers in hand for local review this week (ie, early June) with submission to BIOSCIENCE by the end of June. Clearly, this will not happen. I would like to email the editor and let him know that we are behind our original schedule and see if he can accommodate a September submission. WILL THIS WORK FOR ALL OF YOU? PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP.

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