[LTER-mcm-pi] Fwd: [LTER-site-exec] NPP working group

Michael Gooseff michael.gooseff at colorado.edu
Mon Aug 10 12:22:19 MDT 2015

Hi all

This is a working group to which I have contributed at the recent science council meetings and will now have some broader discussion and input at the ASM.

For MCM - could we perhaps provide data from the lakes (depth integrated)?



Typed by clumsy fingers on a small virtual keyboard. Please excuse typos.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Merryl Alber <malber at uga.edu<mailto:malber at uga.edu>>
Date: August 3, 2015 at 13:27:18 EDT
To: site-exec <site-exec at lternet.edu<mailto:site-exec at lternet.edu>>
Cc: "Lauren Hallett (lauren.hallett at berkeley.edu<mailto:lauren.hallett at berkeley.edu>)" <lauren.hallett at berkeley.edu<mailto:lauren.hallett at berkeley.edu>>, "jim morris (morris1520 at gmail.com<mailto:morris1520 at gmail.com>)" <morris1520 at gmail.com<mailto:morris1520 at gmail.com>>
Subject: [LTER-site-exec] NPP working group

Hi Everyone,

We are planning a working group at the upcoming LTER All Scientist's meeting to look at both temporal and spatial variability in NPP data across the LTER network. This is an idea that grew out of the Science Council meeting at Konza Prairie-we want to see how the variability in NPP measurements change across space and time, and whether that can be related to external drivers. In order to do make the best use of our meeting in Estes Park, we would like to have plot-scale annual measurements of NPP in-hand before the meeting so we can do some analyses ahead of time.

If your site has long-term NPP data at the plot and year level and you are interested in including it in the analysis, please send a flat spreadsheet to Lauren Hallett (lauren.hallett at berkeley.edu<mailto:lauren.hallett at berkeley.edu>) following the attached data format (described in "LTER_NPP_DataRequested", example in "LTER_NPP_GCE_ExampleData"). We would also like a short overview of how you measure NPP, the characteristics of the dominant producer/community, and whether it has changed through time.

Please get the data to Lauren by Friday, August 14 and let us know who from your site would be appropriate/available to attend the working group session (it is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 1 from 10:00 - noon). This is open to both terrestrial and aquatic sites as long as you have consistent sampling sites and an annual estimate of NPP.
Hope to see you all in Estes Park,
Merryl Alber, Katie Suding, Lauren Hallett, Michael Gooseff, and Jim Morris

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