[LTER-luq] Friday 9/29 update

Robert Waide rwaide at lternet.edu
Fri Sep 29 12:53:53 PDT 2017

Dear Folks

Both Jess and Todd have found ways to communicate via cell phone. Jess 
will be calling regularly starting Monday, and I will pass along any 
news or requests. Here is the present situation:

 1. EVFS is open for business. Trails to major study sites have been
    cleared, and dormitories are functional. However, there is no power
    and won't be until the generator can be repaired and fuel obtained.
    There is running water from ground water sources. There is still no
    regular communication, although re-establishing communication is a
    priority. If you decide to go, you will have to make your own
    arrangements to get to the station. Plan for a rough experience if
    you decide to go to EVFS.
 2. I will establish a Go Fund Me account sometime this weekend to help
    cover some of the costs of repairs at El Verde. Jess is going out of
    pocket for most of these expenses, and this can't go on forever. I
    will send information on how to donate as soon as I can.
 3. Jess needs someone with experience in roofing to help cover the roof
    of the DOE lab with tarps. He hopes that we can find someone who
    knows how to do this. He also needs tarps to cover an area 120 x 30
    feet. I am open to ideas on how to make this happen. I will look
    into FedEx for getting the tarps to him, but I need recommendations
    on how to find a person experienced in deploying tarps.
 4. Sarah has communicated with Jess and is alright.
 5. Post-Irmaria stream sampling has begun. Equipment deployed before
    Maria survived well.
 6. The gas situation is improving slowly.
 7. I will schedule another Go To Meeting call for next Tuesday, same
    time as this week.  Look for the announcement. Principal topic will
    be RAPID grants.
 8. The ley de seca and the curfew are being lifted tonight. So Jess and
    Todd will be able to get relief from their aching muscles



Robert B. Waide
Department of Biology
MSC03 2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

Phone: 505/277-2649
Fax: 505/277-2541
ResearcherID:     F-5304-2010

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