[LTER-luq] Tuesday meeting and GoFundMe account

Aaron Shiels ashiels at hawaii.edu
Wed Oct 4 09:31:51 PDT 2017


As most of you know, there is a long history of work on landslides in the
LEF--Walker, Myster, Larsen, Lodge and many other of you have led or
participated in such studies.  I attach a 20 year review of our attempt to
capture the bulk of the landslide research that has occurred in the LEF,
and in this same paper you will see some very basic methods that could be
used to count landslides after Maria and compare some physical
characteristics to those that followed other tropical storms passing
through the LEF.   When I lived in PR, I used to do these counts by driving
all the roads in the LEF, and walking the main trails, making basic
measurements of elevation, slope, size, substrate of landslides that
occurred after storms.  Might be something worth doing if someone had
the interest, and the on-the-ground counts could complement to the aerial


On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Scholl, Martha <mascholl at usgs.gov> wrote:

> Alan,
> We checked with Jonathan Godt earlier this week.  They do not have a
> landslide analysis for eastern PR yet.  He noted that the imagery has been
> slow to come online.
> Martha Scholl
> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Alan Covich <alanc at uga.edu> wrote:
>> Thanks Maria
>> Do they have (will have?) similar covered for NE PR?  The number of
>> landslides and damage to roads clearly has been a problem for FEMA and
>> distribution of relief supplies...also clearly has impacted the rivers!
>> If LEF has this many landslides it will have a major impact on our
>> rivers. Last time with Hugo there were more than 200 landslide in the LEF.
>> Most were small but they did add up to lots of sediment filling the pools.
>> Alan
>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Maria Uriarte <mu2126 at columbia.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> USGS has released a preliminary assessment of landslides for NW Puerto
>>> Rico.
>>> https://landslides.usgs.gov/research/featured/2017-maria-pr/
>>> Maria
>>> *From:* luq-lter at googlegroups.com [mailto:luq-lter at googlegroups.com] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Robert Waide
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 2, 2017 4:44 PM
>>> *To:* LUQ-LTER <luq at lternet.edu>; luq-lter at googlegroups.com
>>> *Subject:* Tuesday meeting and GoFundMe account
>>> Dear Folks:
>>> Two important things
>>>    1. I've established a GoFundMe account as requested by Jess to try a
>>>    build up a fund for field station operations. Please donate and share with
>>>    your friends and colleagues. The link is:
>>>    https://www.gofundme.com/evfs-repairs-and-operating-costs
>>>    <https://www.gofundme.com/evfs-repairs-and-operating-costs>
>>>    2. We will be having another call tomorrow (Tuesday) at the same
>>>    time as last week (3:00 PM AST and EDT). Jess will try to call in to give
>>>    us a brief update on progress and conditions. The rest of the time (around
>>>    45 minutes) will be devoted to discussions of RAPID proposals and other
>>>    means to continue our work. Details of the call are below.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bob
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>>> Robert B. Waide, Professor
>>> Department of Biology
>>> MSC03 2020
>>> 1 University of New Mexico
>>> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
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> --
> Martha Scholl
> Research Hydrologist
> U.S. Geological Survey
> 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
> <https://maps.google.com/?q=12201+Sunrise+Valley+Dr&entry=gmail&source=g>.,
> MS 431
> Reston, VA  20192
> 703-648-5890 <(703)%20648-5890>
> https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/martha-a-scholl
> <https://profile.usgs.gov/mascholl>
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