[LTER-luq] FW: Invitation: Fourth National Climate Assessment Caribbean Regional Chapter Stakeholder Workshop

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Fri Mar 3 05:51:09 PST 2017

FYI. Sharing.  All invited next Thursday March 9th at the IITF Conference Room.

[Forest Service Shield]

Dr. Grizelle González
Project Leader

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7800
f: 787-766-6302
ggonzalez at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>

Jardín Botánico Sur, 1201 Ceiba St.
San Juan, PR 00926
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/>[Twitter Logo]<https://twitter.com/forestservice>[Facebook Logo]<http://facebook.com/USDA>

Caring for the land and serving people

Dear Colleagues,

The US Global Change Research Program is developing the Fourth National Climate Assessment and for the first time including a Caribbean Regional Chapter covering Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Work on the assessment is underway with an expected publication in late 2018. For the Caribbean Regional Chapter, we have a group of 16 authors that have developed a draft chapter outline and begun to annotate the chapter. We are interested in gathering a wide range of input on the draft outline and expected key messages in order to create a chapter that informs and serves stakeholders in government, academia, education, private industry, nonprofit organizations, and the general public. We will be having a stakeholder engagement workshop on March 9th, with a meeting of the authors on March 10th (Thursday and Friday next week). The March 9th meeting will be open to the public with a principle site in San Juan, PR and satellite meetings in North Carolina State University, The University of Puerto Rico, and Washington DC. Participants may also connect remotely via adobe connect.  The authors have representatives from the Virgin Islands Climate Change Council, the Puerto Rico Climate Change Council, the Southeast Climate Science Center and the USDA Caribbean Climate Hub. We are looking to maximize synergy and present a consistent message among these efforts.

Your input at this stage is very valuable both to be sure we are covering all the bases from various sectors, to be sure we are aware of other efforts and information, and to be sure we are addressing the most important issues from your perspective.  In the end your input will improve the Chapter and we hope increase the utility of the information to you.

Attached is a flyer and below a link to more information and a registration page.

A direct link to the registration page is here:

Please register for participation at this link. Feel free to contact us for additional information. Please share to interested parties. We look forward to hearing from you!

University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas Campus, room TBA
Contact: Wayne Archibald warchib at gmail.com<mailto:warchib at gmail.com>
Southeast Climate Science Center
Raleigh, North Carolina State University:
123 David Clark Labs, 100 Brooks Ave
Contact: Adam Terando aterando at usgs.gov<mailto:aterando at usgs.gov>
Washington, DC
1800 G Street, NW, Suite 9100
Remote: Dave Apurva adave at usgcrp.gov<mailto:adave at usgcrp.gov>
For more information please contact:

William Gould

[Forest Service Shield]

William A. Gould, Research Ecologist
Director, USDA Caribbean Climate Hub

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7790
c: 787-402-9955
f: 787-766-6302
wgould at fs.fed.us<mailto:wgould at fs.fed.us>

1201 Calle Ceiba
Río Piedras, PR 00926
Google Map<https://www.google.com/maps/place/International+Institute+of+Tropical+Forestry/@18.389251,-66.0574387,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8c03687ba825d0e1:0xa90f7192b3a689dc!8m2!3d18.389251!4d-66.05525>
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/> [Twitter Logo] <https://twitter.com/forestservice>  [Facebook Logo] <http://facebook.com/USDA>

Caring for the land and serving people


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