[LTER-luq] FW: Silviculture NPL Position Advertisement

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Thu Jan 19 11:52:33 PST 2017

Please spread the word about this position advertisement.

From: Johnson, Sherri -FS
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 2:01 PM
To: Anderson, Paul -FS <pdanderson at fs.fed.us>; Darbyshire, Robyn -FS <rdarbyshire at fs.fed.us>; Fettig, Chris -FS <cfettig at fs.fed.us>; Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS <ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>; Guldin, Jim -FS <jguldin at fs.fed.us>; Gwaze, David -FS <dgwaze at fs.fed.us>; Jain, Terrie -FS <tjain at fs.fed.us>; Laseter, Stephanie -FS <slaseter at fs.fed.us>; Porth, Laurie S -FS <lporth at fs.fed.us>; Rugg, Dave -FS <drugg at fs.fed.us>; Rustad, Lindsey -FS <lrustad at fs.fed.us>
Cc: Smith, Katherine L -FS <klsmith at fs.fed.us>
Subject: FW: Silviculture NPL Position Advertisement

Silviculture NPL in the Washington Office (vice Buford) is open for a very short period.
Please help spread the word.

[Forest Service Shield]

Sherri L. Johnson, Ph.D.
Supervisory Research Ecologist

Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station

p: 541-758-7771
sherrijohnson at fs.fed.us<mailto:sherrijohnson at fs.fed.us>

3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/>[Twitter Logo]<https://twitter.com/forestservice>[Facebook Logo]<http://facebook.com/USDA>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Guldin, Jim -FS
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 6:15 AM
To: Johnson, Sherri -FS <sherrijohnson at fs.fed.us<mailto:sherrijohnson at fs.fed.us>>
Subject: FW: Silviculture NPL Position Advertisement

Attached is  link to the NPL-Silviculture Research position in WO (vice Buford). Can you send this to the EFR WG on behalf of Toral, and ask members to share within their Stations?
With best regards,

James M. Guldin, Ph.D.
   FS Cell 001-870-723-1623
Supervisory Research Ecologist and Project Leader for:
  SRS-4158, Restoring and Managing Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
  SRS-4159, Ecology and Management of Southern Pines
Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service
Mail: P.O. Box 1270     Ship: 607 Reserve Street
Hot Springs, AR 71902

From: Patel-Weynand, Toral -FS
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 7:54 AM
To: Guldin, Jim -FS <jguldin at fs.fed.us<mailto:jguldin at fs.fed.us>>
Subject: Re: Silviculture NPL Position Advertisement

Here is the link to the vacancy announcement.  Can you pl share?


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