[LTER-luq] Fwd: PhD opportunity at Freiburg University

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Tue Nov 1 13:50:31 PDT 2016


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From: "Hayes, Deborah -FS" <deborahhayes at fs.fed.us<mailto:deborahhayes at fs.fed.us>>
Date: November 1, 2016 at 4:44:01 PM AST
To: "Beyers, Jan -FS" <jbeyers at fs.fed.us<mailto:jbeyers at fs.fed.us>>, "Bormann, Bernard" <bbormann at fs.fed.us<mailto:bbormann at fs.fed.us>>, "Brockway, Dale -FS" <dbrockway at fs.fed.us<mailto:dbrockway at fs.fed.us>>, "Butnor, John -FS" <jbutnor at fs.fed.us<mailto:jbutnor at fs.fed.us>>, "Carter, Emily A -FS" <eacarter at fs.fed.us<mailto:eacarter at fs.fed.us>>, "Chambers, Jeanne -FS" <jchambers at fs.fed.us<mailto:jchambers at fs.fed.us>>, "D'Amore, David V -FS" <ddamore at fs.fed.us<mailto:ddamore at fs.fed.us>>, "Dolloff, Andy -FS" <adolloff at fs.fed.us<mailto:adolloff at fs.fed.us>>, "Dumroese, Debbie -FS" <ddumroese at fs.fed.us<mailto:ddumroese at fs.fed.us>>, "Finch, Deborah M -FS" <dfinch at fs.fed.us<mailto:dfinch at fs.fed.us>>, "Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu>" <Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu<mailto:Fred.Swanson at oregonstate.edu>>, "Giardina, Christian P -FS" <cgiardina at fs.fed.us<mailto:cgiardina at fs.fed.us>>, "Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS" <ggonzalez at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>>, "Grant, Gordon -FS" <ggrant at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggrant at fs.fed.us>>, "Guldin, Jim -FS" <jguldin at fs.fed.us<mailto:jguldin at fs.fed.us>>, "Harrington, Connie -FS" <charrington at fs.fed.us<mailto:charrington at fs.fed.us>>, "Hill, Alison -FS" <ahill01 at fs.fed.us<mailto:ahill01 at fs.fed.us>>, "Hom, John -FS" <jhom at fs.fed.us<mailto:jhom at fs.fed.us>>, "Hunsaker, Carolyn -FS" <chunsaker at fs.fed.us<mailto:chunsaker at fs.fed.us>>, "Johnsen, Kurt -FS" <kjohnsen at fs.fed.us<mailto:kjohnsen at fs.fed.us>>, "Knoepp, Jennifer -FS" <jknoepp at fs.fed.us<mailto:jknoepp at fs.fed.us>>, "Lilleskov, Erik A -FS" <elilleskov at fs.fed.us<mailto:elilleskov at fs.fed.us>>, "Lodge, Deborah J -FS" <dlodge at fs.fed.us<mailto:dlodge at fs.fed.us>>, "Luce, Charlie -FS" <cluce at fs.fed.us<mailto:cluce at fs.fed.us>>, "Lugo, Ariel -FS" <alugo at fs.fed.us<mailto:alugo at fs.fed.us>>, "Maier, Christopher -FS" <cmaier at fs.fed.us<mailto:cmaier at fs.fed.us>>, "Neary, Dan -FS" <dneary at fs.fed.us<mailto:dneary at fs.fed.us>>, "Nowak, David -FS" <dnowak at fs.fed.us<mailto:dnowak at fs.fed.us>>, "Perry, Charles H -FS" <charleshperry at fs.fed.us<mailto:charleshperry at fs.fed.us>>, "Rhoades, Charles C -FS" <crhoades at fs.fed.us<mailto:crhoades at fs.fed.us>>, "Ruark, Gregory A -FS" <gruark at fs.fed.us<mailto:gruark at fs.fed.us>>, "Sanchez, Felipe -FS" <fsanchez at fs.fed.us<mailto:fsanchez at fs.fed.us>>, "Scott, Andy -FS" <andyscott at fs.fed.us<mailto:andyscott at fs.fed.us>>, "Smith, Kevin -FS" <ktsmith at fs.fed.us<mailto:ktsmith at fs.fed.us>>, "Stanturf, John -FS" <jstanturf at fs.fed.us<mailto:jstanturf at fs.fed.us>>, "Sun, Ge -FS" <gesun at fs.fed.us<mailto:gesun at fs.fed.us>>, "Swanston, Christopher W -FS" <cswanston at fs.fed.us<mailto:cswanston at fs.fed.us>>, "Trettin, Carl C -FS" <ctrettin at fs.fed.us<mailto:ctrettin at fs.fed.us>>, "Vose, James M -FS" <jvose at fs.fed.us<mailto:jvose at fs.fed.us>>, "Wright, David -FS" <dkwright at fs.fed.us<mailto:dkwright at fs.fed.us>>, "Adams, Mary - 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Subject: FW: PhD opportunity at Freiburg University

FYI, sounds interesting.
From: Forsoils [mailto:forsoils-bounces at mailman13.u.washington.edu] On Behalf Of juergen.bauhus at waldbau.uni-freiburg.de<mailto:juergen.bauhus at waldbau.uni-freiburg.de>
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 3:26 AM
To: forsoils at u.Washington.edu<mailto:forsoils at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Forsoils] PhD opportunity at Freiburg University

Dear All,

we have an open PhD position within the Biodiversa-Project SoilForEUROPE. In our project, we will study fine root traits and root occupation, as well as root decomposition along gradients of tree species richness.

I would appreciate, if you could forward the attached position description to potential candidates.

With kind regards

J?rgen Bauhus

Prof. Dr. J?rgen Bauhus
Chair of Silviculture
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
79106 Freiburg
Tel. +49 761 203 3678

Email: juergen.bauhus at waldbau.uni-freiburg.de<mailto:juergen.bauhus at waldbau.uni-freiburg.de>

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