[LTER-luq] Special Project of legacy documents form CEER and the PRNC

Eda C. Melendez-Colom edacorreo at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 29 15:48:17 MDT 2016

This is to inform you that we, the IM staff, are involved in a new project in collaboration with Jorge Ortiz, our UPR-Department of Environmental Science (UPR-DES) Director and Jorge Ramos, UPR "OPASO" director.
The project consists of recovering all research project related documents from energy-research agencies that existed in Puerto Rico until the last decade of the last century. Those are:
1. CEER - the Center for Energy and Environment Research (See http://www.lm.doe.gov/CEER/Sites.aspx)2. PRNC - Puerto Rico Nuclear Center (See some related documents in: http://bibliotecadigital.uprrp.edu/cdm/search/searchterm/Puerto%20Rico%20Nuclear%20Center/field/all/mode/exact/conn/and/display/200/order/nosort/ad/asc)
The IM staff is classifying and cataloging the documents and OPASO is also digitizing the documents.
We have found some manuscripts and we are matching them with their published documents. After catalogin has been completed, the list along with the PDFs will be posted in the UPR-DES website.

 Eda C. Melendez Colom Information Manager LTER Program University of Puerto Rico Tel. (787) 764-0000 (1-4943) Fax (787) 772 -1481
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