[LTER-luq] FW: USDA Caribbean Climate Hub news

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Mon Mar 21 13:29:48 MDT 2016


From: Gould, William A -FS
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2016 8:59 AM
To: FS-pdl iitf all <pdl_iitf_all at ms.fs.fed.us>; chechiasp at gmail.com; Potts, Gary S -FS <garyspotts at fs.fed.us>; kaseyrjacobs at caribbeanlcc.org
Cc: Almodovar, Edwin - NRCS, San Juan, PR <edwin.almodovar at pr.usda.gov>; Goenaga, Ricardo <Ricardo.Goenaga at ARS.USDA.GOV>; Porch, Timothy <Timothy.Porch at ARS.USDA.GOV>; Stephen Fain <josh.fain at yale.edu>; ik.pares at gmail.com; McGinley, Kathleen -FS <kmcginley at fs.fed.us>
Subject: USDA Caribbean Climate Hub news

Dear Colleagues,

Last week we the USDA posted a blog about the Caribbean Climate Hub and our video series, Adapta, which  designed to share information about best practices for climate adaptation in tropical forestry and agriculture http://blogs.usda.gov/category/climate-change/. The first completed video is about the dairy industry. There are three additional videos filmed and in the editing process - one about coffee farming, one about plantains, cover crops and soil conservation, and one about integrated farming of fruits, vegetables and herbs. A short trailer has clips from all 4 videos: http://caribbeanclimatehub.org/projects/.

Climate Hub Coordinator Isabel Parés and Strategic Analyst Josh Fain co-authored the blog and Isabel Parés is the Executive Producer of the video series. Please share with interested people.

Bill Gould

[Forest Service Shield]

William A. Gould, Research Ecologist
Director, USDA Caribbean Climate Hub
Coordinator, Caribbean Landscape
Conservation Cooperative

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7790
f: 787-766-6302
wgould at fs.fed.us<mailto:wgould at fs.fed.us>

1201 Calle Ceiba
Río Piedras, PR 00926
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Caring for the land and serving people


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