[LTER-luq] Fwd: LCZO Annual Meeting Agenda

Jess Zimmerman jesskz at ites.upr.edu
Fri Jun 3 08:57:23 MDT 2016

FYI, the schedule for the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory meetings next


Jess K. Zimmerman
Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
Department Environmental Sciences
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Tel: 787-764-0000 ext. 1-XXXX-# where XXXX is:
   LTER Program Office: 88233
   El Verde Field Station: 83467
Mobile: 787-380-3311

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mónica Salazar Ortiz <monica.salazar at upr.edu>
Date: Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:48 AM
Subject: Fwd: LCZO Annual Meeting Agenda
To: Jess Zimmerman <jesskz at ites.upr.edu>
Cc: Miguel <leonmi at sas.upenn.edu>

Hey Jess,

Here is the agenda.

*Mónica Salazar Ortiz*
Luquillo CZO Site Technician in El Verde Field Station
Río Grande, Puerto Rico

BS in Environmental Sciences and Social Anthropology with emphasis on
University of Puerto Rico | Rio Piedras Campus

Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

*De:* "Leon, Miguel C." <leonmi at sas.upenn.edu>
*Fecha:* 1 de junio de 2016, 3:03:45 p.m. GMT-4
*Para:* "Leon, Miguel C." <leonmi at sas.upenn.edu>, "maya_almaraz at brown.edu" <
maya_almaraz at brown.edu>, "aurapr15 at gmail.com" <aurapr15 at gmail.com>, "
diego.barcellos at yahoo.com.br" <diego.barcellos at yahoo.com.br>, "
sbastola3 at mail.gatech.edu" <sbastola3 at mail.gatech.edu>, "
brantley at eesi.psu.edu" <brantley at eesi.psu.edu>, "rlbras at gatech.edu" <
rlbras at gatech.edu>, "rich.brereton at unh.edu" <rich.brereton at unh.edu>,
gbrocard <gbrocard at sas.upenn.edu>, "h.buss at bristol.ac.uk" <
h.buss at bristol.ac.uk>, "Clark, Kathryn" <clarkkat at sas.upenn.edu>, "
xcomas at fau.edu" <xcomas at fau.edu>, "Coward, Elizabeth" <ecoward at sas.upenn.edu>,
"michelle.shattuck at unh.edu" <michelle.shattuck at unh.edu>, "
ydialynas at gatech.edu" <ydialynas at gatech.edu>, "elisa.arnone at gmail.com" <
elisa.arnone at gmail.com>, "rcf11 at psu.edu" <rcf11 at psu.edu>, "
stevef at guero.sr.unh.edu" <stevef at guero.sr.unh.edu>, "
steven.goldsmith at villanova.edu" <steven.goldsmith at villanova.edu>, "
ggonzalez at fs.fed.us" <ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>, "wgould at fs.fed.us" <
wgould at fs.fed.us>, "omar.gutierrezdela at gmail.com" <
omar.gutierrezdela at gmail.com>, "stevenjh at iastate.edu" <stevenjh at iastate.edu>,
"Harrison, Emma Jayne" <haem at sas.upenn.edu>, "chodges at uga.edu" <
chodges at uga.edu>, "friso.holwerda at gmail.com" <friso.holwerda at gmail.com>, "
scott.hynek at gmail.com" <scott.hynek at gmail.com>, "inamdar at udel.edu" <
inamdar at udel.edu>, "Jerolmack, Douglas J." <sediment at sas.upenn.edu>, "
ahj at sas.upenn.edu" <ahj at sas.upenn.edu>, "eking at coas.oregonstate.edu" <
eking at coas.oregonstate.edu>, "Lauren.Koenig at unh.edu" <Lauren.Koenig at unh.edu>,
"kurtz at bu.edu" <kurtz at bu.edu>, "M.ChapelaLara at bristol.ac.uk" <
M.ChapelaLara at bristol.ac.uk>, "Lee, Dylan Bentley" <dylanlee at sas.upenn.edu>,
"marinspiotta at wisc.edu" <marinspiotta at wisc.edu>, "sebamartinuzzi at gmail.com"
<sebamartinuzzi at gmail.com>, "omayol at ites.upr.edu" <omayol at ites.upr.edu>, "
olgamayol at yahoo.com" <olgamayol at yahoo.com>, "mmcclintock316 at gmail.com" <
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pettridge2 at llnl.gov>, "Julie.Pett-Ridge at oregonstate.edu" <
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elvis.torres810 at gmail.com" <elvis.torres810 at gmail.com>, "
ashley.vanbeusekom at gmail.com" <ashley.vanbeusekom at gmail.com>, "
jwang406 at mail.gatech.edu" <jwang406 at mail.gatech.edu>, "Willenbring, Jane
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jared.wilmoth at gmail.com>, "wood.tana at gmail.com" <wood.tana at gmail.com>, "
Adam.Wymore at unh.edu" <Adam.Wymore at unh.edu>, "wyang at life.illinois.edu" <
wyang at life.illinois.edu>, "monica.salazar at upr.edu" <monica.salazar at upr.edu>,
"ajtorres at usgs.gov" <ajtorres at usgs.gov>, "bnewman at lanl.gov" <
bnewman at lanl.gov>, "nperdria at uvm.edu" <nperdria at uvm.edu>, "
Julia.Perdrial at uvm.edu" <Julia.Perdrial at uvm.edu>, "kblock at ccny.cuny.edu" <
kblock at ccny.cuny.edu>, "jbird at qc.cuny.edu" <jbird at qc.cuny.edu>, "
coconn at berkeley.edu" <coconn at berkeley.edu>, "jw3344 at columbia.edu" <
jw3344 at columbia.edu>, "cmchen at uga.edu" <cmchen at uga.edu>, "
campbell87 at llnl.gov" <campbell87 at llnl.gov>, "yanglin at berkeley.edu" <
yanglin at berkeley.edu>, "thomase.miller at upr.edu" <thomase.miller at upr.edu>, "
inamdar at udel.edu" <inamdar at udel.edu>
*Asunto:* *RE: LCZO Annual Meeting Agenda*

Hi All, Please disregard the attachments in the last email I sent. I
incorrectly generated PDFs with a length greater than 100 pages. The
attachments here have been corrected. Sorry about that.

Miguel Leon

leonmi at sas.upenn.edu

Information Manager

Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory

Earth and Environmental Science

University of Pennsylvania


*From:* Leon, Miguel C. [mailto:leonmi at sas.upenn.edu <leonmi at sas.upenn.edu>]

*Sent:* Wednesday, June 01, 2016 2:53 PM

*Subject:* LCZO Annual Meeting Agenda

Hi All,

Attached is the final agenda and field trip supplement for the LCZO Annual
meeting. I’ve included some links in these PDFs which you might find

For those of you who cannot attend but who would still be interested in
participating, the webinar connection information is:

*LCZO Annual Meeting*

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


*You can also dial in using your phone.*

United States : +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 190-595-973

See you soon,

Miguel Leon

leonmi at sas.upenn.edu

Information Manager

Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory

Earth and Environmental Science

University of Pennsylvania

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