[LTER-luq] Newsletter info

Willig, Michael michael.willig at uconn.edu
Tue Jul 26 11:37:24 MDT 2016


More to come (maybe) … but I am communicating these two “things” now because they are quick (and doing so represents a nice diversion while reading a PhD Dissertation).

·         Mike Willig was awarded a highly competitive Board of Trustees Distinguished Professorship at UConn in recognition of significant long-term accomplishments in research, education, and service.

·         Long-Term Ecological Research:  Changing the Nature of Scientists – edited by Mike Willig and Lars Walker --has been published by Oxford University Press.  The motivation for and genesis of the book arises from the experiences of the editors in association with the Luquillo LTER Program.  The book comprises three sections.  The first provides an overview of the LTER program from perspectives of (1) the editors, (2) previous LTER Program Directors at NSF, and (3) the past Director of the LTER Network Office (LUQ Scientist, Bob Waide).  The next section contains ~40 retrospective essays by LTER scholars from throughout the network (including articles by LUQ scientists, Jean Lodge, Ariel Lugo, and Whendee Silver) that assess the extent to which participation in the LTER Program has affected them as scientists, educators, or communicators with the public and stakeholders.  The final section comprises a number of synthetic reviews by a prominent ecologist, as well as by a sociologist, historian, and behavioral scientists, who use the content of the retrospective essays as “data” for evaluating the impact of the program on the nature of scientists.  In a sense, the book captures the essence of NSF’s “Broader Impacts” by chronicling how the LTER Program has affected the infrastructure of science while promoting long-term, collaborative, multidisciplinary, site-based ecological research.   For more information, see https://global.oup.com/academic/product/long-term-ecological-research-9780199380213?cc=us&lang=en&.



PS:  It would be cool, and perhaps appropriate, if the book statement could be highlighted on the LUQ WWW page.  Thus, I have CCed this message to Eda and Jess.

Michael R. Willig, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor

Director -- Center for Environmental Sciences & Engineering
Professor -- Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Curator – Mammal Collections

Web Sites
Personal:  http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/people/willig/
Center: http://www.cese.uconn.edu/
Department:  http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebwww/

Office of Director:  860-486-2798
Research Office:  860-486-1455
Research Laboratory:  860-486-1772
Facsimile:  860-486-5488

Mailing Address
Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering
University of Connecticut
3107 Horsebarn Hill Road
Building 4 Annex
Storrs, CT  06269-4210

From: luq [mailto:luq-bounces at lists.lternet.edu] On Behalf Of Sarah Stankavich
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 1:39 PM
To: LUQ-LTER <luq at lternet.edu>
Subject: [LTER-luq] Newsletter info

Hi everyone - Please send me any information you would like included in the August newsletter.

Sarah Stankavich
LUQ-LTER Coordinator
El Verde Field Station
787-764-0000 ext. 83466 (office)
787-222-7756 (cell)
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