[LTER-luq] EVFS Hourly data (from 1/1/2013 to current downloaded from the datalogger)

plone at ites.upr.edu plone at ites.upr.edu
Thu Aug 25 11:40:02 MDT 2016

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"The El Verde Field Station Hourly Data from 2013 to the last downloaded data from the datalogger has been published on the Plone. Please let me know if you need access to the Plone and I will send you your User name and passwd."

EVFS Hourly data (from 1/1/2013 to current downloaded from the datalogger)

Includes data series and graphs for the following measurements: RAIN_(MM) RELHUM_(PERCENT) TEMP_(DEGREES_CELSIUS) SOLARRAD_(WATTS/M2) SOLARRAD_(KJOULES/M2) PPFD_MILLIMOLES_M2 (first data record: 1/1/2016) WINDSPEEDAVER_M_S (first data record: 1/21/2016) WINDDIR_DEGREES (first data record: 1/21/2016) SDWINDDIR (first data record: 1/21/2016) PAR_Den_umol-s-m2 (first data record: 1/1/2016)


ITES Plone Administrator

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