[LTER-luq] Fwd: Invitation to participate in a proposal
Sarah Stankavich
sarahstankavich at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 15:19:17 MDT 2015
Hi all - Please see the message below.
Dear Colleague,
We are writing to invite you to participate in a National effort to create
a new pathway to archive data from individual ecological studies and sites
into LTER’s Provenance Aware Synthesis Tracking Architecture (PASTA; see
attachment) data repository. We are in the process of resubmitting a
proposal titled “ABI Development: Enabling broad-scale ecological analysis
and synthesis through PASTA Plus, the enhanced LTER data repository” to the
National Science Foundation in support of an open data repository to host
data (and metadata) from research projects like yours. We received high
scores on the reviews in the last round and believe that we are addressing
most of the reviewers concerns in this resubmission. As you are well
aware, many scientists across our country are concerned that valuable data
are being lost because they are not preserved in a persistent and
accessible archive, and are therefore, not available for present or future
comparisons and synthesis. We begin to address this critical need for
archiving “dark data” with our proposal (see attached summary).
We hope you will support our proposal by providing a letter of
cooperation. One of the principal criticisms of our last proposal was the
absence of such letters. The attached template, in the format required by
NSF, should take only a minute to complete. By providing a letter, you are
agreeing that someone from your station (e.g., director, information
manager, scientist) will attend one meeting in Albuquerque during the next
three years (at our expense) and deposit at least one data set from your
project/station into PASTA for future generations of scientists to explore
and analyze. You also agree to provide us feedback based on the meeting on
how to improve the PASTA software to better serve OBFS members. You will
receive a Digital Object Identifier for each contributed data set, which
will allow attribution for any data that is used in future projects,
including synthesis and or journal publications. You will also be able to
use the DOI to cite your data in your own publications. By putting your
data into the PASTA repository, you will fulfill the requirement of many
journals to archive data supporting manuscripts in a public archive.
Perhaps the greatest benefit of supporting this project is the assurance
that your data will be preserved in an open repository and made
discoverable to a broad community of like minded scientists.
If you decide to participate, please fill out, sign, and return the
attached template to Bob Waide no later than Monday, 21 September 2015. NSF
requires the exact wording in the template, so please do not make any
changes to the body of the letter. Any questions can be directed to Mark
Servilla ( <mservilla at lternet.edu> <mservilla at lternet.edu>
mservilla at lternet.edu) or Bob Waide (rwaide at lternet.edu).
Thank you for considering participation in this project.
Dr. Mark Servilla (PI)
Dept. of Biology
University of New Mexico
<servilla at lternet.edu>servilla at lternet.edu
Dr. Robert Waide (Co-PI)
Dept. of Biology
University of New Mexico
<rwaide at lternet.edu>rwaide at lternet.edu
Robert B. Waide
Executive Director
Long Term Ecological Research Network Office
MSC03 2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Phone: 505/277-2649
Fax: 505/277-2541
ResearcherID: F-5304-2010
Sarah Stankavich
LUQ-LTER Coordinator
El Verde Field Station
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