[LTER-luq] FW: Caribbean Climate Sub Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability for Agriculture and Forestry

Gonzalez, Grizelle -FS ggonzalez at fs.fed.us
Fri Sep 11 11:44:37 MDT 2015

[Forest Service Shield]

Dr. Grizelle González
Project Leader

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7800
f: 787-766-6302
ggonzalez at fs.fed.us<mailto:ggonzalez at fs.fed.us>

Jardín Botánico Sur, 1201 Ceiba St.
San Juan, PR 00926
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/>[Twitter Logo]<https://twitter.com/forestservice>[Facebook Logo]<http://facebook.com/USDA>

Caring for the land and serving people

From: Gould, William A -FS
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 1:35 PM
To: FS-pdl iitf all
Cc: ahenareh at mtu.edu; brent_murry at fws.gov; ik.pares at gmail.com; kaseyrjacobs at caribbeanlcc.org; Gamaliel-Thinkamap (gamalielpagan at thinkamap.com); Víctor M. Cuadrado; chechiasp at gmail.com; Jose M. Garcia Pena (jose.garcia20 at upr.edu)
Subject: Caribbean Climate Sub Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability for Agriculture and Forestry

Dear IITF Colleagues,

The USDA Caribbean Climate Sub Hub has released an initial assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for tropical forestry and agriculture in the U.S. Caribbean. This is part of a series of assessments produced by the regional climate hubs in their first year of operation (available here: http://climatehubs.oce.usda.gov/content/regional-vulnerability-assessments).

The Caribbean assessment as an important first step in understanding the potential impact of climate change on various sectors in agriculture and forestry in the region - and how important vulnerabilities to climate change are relative to other ecological, social and economic forces that govern the productivity of agriculture and forestry.

The report and our new awareness of issues will serve as a guide for future efforts of the Hub. Thanks to the coauthors for all their great efforts!


[Forest Service Shield]

William A. Gould, Research Ecologist
Leader, USDA Caribbean Climate Sub Hub
Coordinator, Caribbean Landscape
Conservation Cooperative

Forest Service
International Institute of Tropical Forestry

p: 787-764-7790
f: 787-766-6302
wgould at fs.fed.us<mailto:wgould at fs.fed.us>

1201 Calle Ceiba
Río Piedras, PR 00926
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/> [Twitter Logo] <https://twitter.com/forestservice>  [Facebook Logo] <http://facebook.com/USDA>

Caring for the land and serving people


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