[LTER-luq] Fwd: [LTER-All-lter] LTER 2015 All Scientists Meeting Upcoming Deadlines

Willig, Michael michael.willig at uconn.edu
Wed Jun 17 09:13:00 MDT 2015

One and all,

This article (http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/06/12/1500403112.abstract) may be of interest to many of you.  It suggests that the impacts of allogenic factors on rates of change during tropical forest succession are far more pervasive than previously thought.



Norden et al.  2015.  Successional dynamics in Neotropical forests are as uncertain as they are predictable.  PNAS

Michael R. Willig, Ph.D.
Director -- Center for Environmental Sciences & Engineering
Professor -- Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Curator – Mammal Collections

Web Sites
Personal:  http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/people/willig/
Center: http://www.cese.uconn.edu/
Department:  http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebwww/

Office of Director:  860-486-2798
Research Office:  860-486-1455
Research Laboratory:  860-486-1772
Facsimile:  860-486-5488

Mailing Address
Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering
University of Connecticut
3107 Horsebarn Hill Road
Building 4 Annex
Storrs, CT  06269-4210

From: luq [mailto:luq-bounces at lists.lternet.edu] On Behalf Of Jess Zimmerman
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 12:53 PM
Subject: [LTER-luq] Fwd: [LTER-All-lter] LTER 2015 All Scientists Meeting Upcoming Deadlines

Hi All,

I still have one slot available for a graduate student to attend ASM using network funding.  Let me know.


Jess K. Zimmerman
Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
Department Environmental Sciences
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Direct Office Line: 787-350-0350
Or: 787-764-0000 ext. 1-XXXX-# where XXXX is:
   LTER Program Office: 2867
   El Verde Field Station: 4381
Mobile: 787-380-3311

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Vande Castle <jvc at lternet.edu<mailto:jvc at lternet.edu>>
Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Subject: [LTER-All-lter] LTER 2015 All Scientists Meeting Upcoming Deadlines
To: all-lter at lternet.edu<mailto:all-lter at lternet.edu>

Preparations for the 2015 LTER All Scientists Meeting to be held August
30 through September 2, are now well underway and advance deadlines are
approaching.  It promises to be an interesting and important meeting for
everybody associated with the LTER Program.  Important deadlines for the
meeting include:

Housing Deadline at the YMCA of the Rockies - June 29, 2015

Early Registration for the meeting ends July 31

Working Group Submission deadline is July 31.  However times and rooms
of meeting requests are self-organized, so it is important to submit EARLY !

Poster Abstract submission deadline is also July 31 or until a limit of
400 posters is reached, so early submission is encouraged !

All information on housing reservations, meeting registration, poster
submission and working group meeting requests can be found on the
meeting website at:


1.  The YMCA of the Rockies Housing Reservations (Room and Board)
Deadline is the end of this month - June 29th.  Certain lodges may fill
up before this time, so you are encouraged to arrange your lodging well
before this date. Rooms may be available after June 29, but the LTER
contract lock on rooms ends on June 30 and rooms will open to folks
attending other meetings and events, so on-site lodging is not
guaranteed after this date. There are a number of room options,
particularly for sharing rooms to reduce costs, and these are described
on the YMCA reservation page.  Please note the configurations of the
various lodging types, and no, you don't have to share a bed with a
stranger to get reduced rates (yes, we had somebody complain about this)
- if that is the case, it suggests there is an error in your
reservation!  Please review your reservation confirmation carefully and
call the YMCA if there are any questions or problems.

2.  For those needing transportation to and from the Denver airport, a
reduced cost for shuttle service has been arranged through the Estes
Park Shuttle Service.  Be sure to use the group code "LTER" to receive
the reduced fare when making your reservations.  Make your shuttle
reservations WELL IN ADVANCE of your arrival for a confirmed seat as
shuttles might not be available without advance reservations.

3.  Early registration for the meeting ends July 31. All attendees of
the 2015 LTER All Scientists meeting must register.  The early
registration rate of $50 applies until July 31, 2015. After 31 July,
registration will increase to $75. Although accompanying spouses, guests
and children need not register for the ASM, anyone wishing to attend any
ASM functions, including plenaries, working group meetings and/or mixers
must register for the meeting.  The name badge you receive will be
required throughout the venue, including social events and mixers.

4.  An important part of the meeting is the activities of working groups
focused on information exchange, scientific interactions and planning
for future research. Anyone associated with the LTER Network and its
extended collaborators may propose a working group. Working Group
Requests will be accepted until the Final Deadline of July 31, 2015.
NOTE:  Unlike previous meetings, the working group organizer is NOW able
to select the TIME(S) and MEETING ROOM for their meeting.  For this
reason it is important that the organizer pay attention to the over-all
schedule as well as working group ALREADY PROPOSED.  For this reason it
is also important to submit your meeting request AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in
order to obtain your preferred times and meeting room.  The ASM Program
Committee will review all meeting requests for content and attempt to
reduce duplication of meeting themes by suggesting the organizers
combine or modify their meetings.  The ASM Program Committee reserves
the right to modify meeting times and locations.

5.  Poster submissions will be accepted on a first come first serve
basis up to a limit of 400, or until the final submission deadline of
July 31, 2015.  A poster abstract is required for all poster
presentations and these will be available on-line via the meeting
website.  Posters will be presented during the evening mixers and all
poster will remain up throughout the venue.  This is always a very
popular part of the meeting and students in particular are encouraged to
submit poster abstracts.  A student poster competition will be held with
CASH prizes and anybody wishing to judge posters can indicate this on
the meeting registration form.

6.  We have only had 2 requests for child care.  With the limited need
for child care the only current option is for individual care in your
own rooms (at your expense).  If we do get sufficient requests we might
be able to arrange group care at reduced costs.  If this is the case,
please contact George Garcia (gmgarcia at lternet.edu<mailto:gmgarcia at lternet.edu>) with your concerns.

Please reference the 2015 LTER All Scientists Meeting website for
further information, and bookmark it on your "devices" for use during
the meeting:


We are looking forward to an interesting meeting this fall !

Best regards,

The 2015 LTER Program Committee and LTER Network Office

Long Term Ecological Research Network
All-lter mailing list
All-lter at lists.lternet.edu<mailto:All-lter at lists.lternet.edu>

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