[LTER-luq] Danny downgraded to a tropical depression

Jess Zimmerman jesskz at ites.upr.edu
Mon Aug 24 06:18:23 MDT 2015

Tropical storm Danny was downgraded to a tropical depression overnight and
will be passing to the south as it dissipates.  The Weather Service is
predicting a cm or so of rain tomorrow, so this may not even impact the
drought that much.  We will keep you posted.


Jess K. Zimmerman
Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
Department Environmental Sciences
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

Direct Office Line: 787-350-0350
Or: 787-764-0000 ext. 1-XXXX-# where XXXX is:
   LTER Program Office: 2867
   El Verde Field Station: 4381
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