[LTER-luq] Fwd: Final litterfall graph (until we add palms)

Schowalter, Timothy D. TSchowalter at agcenter.lsu.edu
Thu Aug 6 10:22:17 MDT 2015

Any evidence that herbivory is increasing?  Drought is a typical trigger for insect outbreaks.  See the attached Van Bael paper for a tropical example.  Tim

Timothy D. Schowalter, Professor
Department of Entomology
Louisiana State University
   Agricultural Center
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Phone:    225-578-1827
Cell:        225-252-5226
Fax:         225-578-2257
Email:      tschowalter at agcenter.lsu.edu<mailto:tschowalter at agcenter.lsu.edu>
Web:       http://entomology.lsu.edu/
[cid:image001.png at 01CFDCA5.AF95AC10]

From: luq [mailto:luq-bounces at lists.lternet.edu] On Behalf Of Robert Waide
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 11:12 AM
To: luq at lists.lternet.edu
Subject: Re: [LTER-luq] Fwd: Final litterfall graph (until we add palms)

The really interesting thing is that litterfall is actually less initially, suggesting that trees have a 2-phase strategy in place for drought: hold on as long as possible, then give up and drop your leaves.
On 8/6/2015 10:09 AM, Alan Covich wrote:
WOW! That is an amazing response (to drought?) indicating some type of threshold in soil moisture?

Are data on light to see what the canopy is doing?

Did you have leaf-fall data from before and after 1994 on the Big Grid?


On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Jess Zimmerman <jesskz at ites.upr.edu<mailto:jesskz at ites.upr.edu>> wrote:
Hi All,

To contribute to our discussions going on, I pass along the litterfall graph that Sarah prepared that compares litterfall YTD vs. the averages since the CTE started in 2002.  There was an immense amount during one single fortnight in May.  It was so much that it took all the staff to collect it all.  I spoke to John Bithorn yesterday and he told me he was many species, not just a few, that contributed to the peak.  We'll keep you posted as more data are added.  We are also analyzing the data set on palm litter, too.


Jess K. Zimmerman
Lead PI, Luquillo LTER Program
Department Environmental Sciences
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sarah Stankavich <sarahstankavich at gmail.com<mailto:sarahstankavich at gmail.com>>
Date: Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:17 PM
Subject: Final litterfall graph (until we add palms)
To: Jess Zimmerman <jesskz at ites.upr.edu<mailto:jesskz at ites.upr.edu>>

Here you go

Sarah Stankavich
LUQ-LTER Coordinator
El Verde Field Station


Long Term Ecological Research Network

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luq at lternet.edu<mailto:luq at lternet.edu>


Robert B. Waide

Executive Director

Long Term Ecological Research Network Office

MSC03 2020

1 University of New Mexico

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Phone: 505/277-2649

Fax: 505/277-2541

ResearcherID:  F-5304-2010
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