[LTER-luq-pi] Most likely Hurricane Maria track from NHC looks like Hurricane Georges

DJean Lodge dlodgester at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 03:35:18 PDT 2017

Dear all,

The projected track of Hurricane Maria from the National Hurricane
Center resembles Georges, making landfall near in SE PR around Humicao
with 140 mph winds late on Wed and exiting Thursday morning on the NW
coast near Isabella.

It's not going to be pretty, but Hurricane Irma may have done us a
favor by trimming trees in the NE corner. I suspect El Verde will get


Hurricane Maria location given at 2 and 5 AM Mon., 18 Sept. 2017 for 3 days
for Wed 20 Sept 5 AM and Thurs 21 Sept 2 & 5 AM (72 hrs)*

*Wed 5 AM:*   48H 20/0600Z *17.4N 64.8W* 120 KT *140 MPH*
That is a little South of the US Virgin Islands

*Landfall later near Humacao*

*2 AM forecast:    **72H*  21/0000Z *18.5N  67.0W * 120 KT *140 MPH *...*OVER

*exiting just N and a little E of Isabella*

*5 AM:* 72H  21/0600Z *19.0N  67.7W*  115 KT *130 MPH*
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