[LTER-luq-pi] Fixed dates for meetings

Sarah Stankavich sarahstankavich at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 10:30:41 MDT 2015

Hi everyone -

We need to decide on some fixed dates for various meetings.

Jess would like to plan an MC meeting twice a month (but only meet the 2nd
time if necessary). Please let me know what days of the week and times
would work for you with your teaching schedules. People on the east
coast/PR should stick to afternoons due to the time difference for Whendee.

We also need to select a day to have monthly LTER meetings with the whole
LUQ group where there will be ~45 minutes of presentations and then time
for business matters. Please send me any suggestions you have for this too.


Sarah Stankavich
LUQ-LTER Coordinator
El Verde Field Station
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