[LTER-luq-a] suggestion researchers for site review

Aaron Hogan hogieskier at gmail.com
Thu Sep 8 13:49:56 MDT 2016

Hi Jess, 

I would suggest Melinda Smith.  She gave a real solid presentation on the drought net she is developing with collaborators at ASM last year.  There could be nice overlap with the drought focus.  She is doing nice work with many of the grassland LTER sites, not exactly a tropical forests, but could help alleviate some of the “grassland envy” perhaps by bringing that perspective to the table [if she has the time].  I find her to be fair in recent collaborative discussions.  Just what came to mind.    

That is all, AA

J. Aaron Hogan
(970) 485 1412

From: Jess Zimmerman
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