[LTER-lno] [LTER-im-rep] ASM recap

Philip Tarrant philip.tarrant at asu.edu
Fri Sep 4 13:57:13 MDT 2015

Lots of good points Inigo. Thanks for summarizing!

Philip Tarrant
Director, Informatics and Technology | Senior Sustainability Scientist
P.O. Box 875402 | Tempe, Arizona | 85287-5402
PH: 480-727-7860   |   Main: 480-965-2975 | sustainability.asu.edu<http://sustainability.asu.edu/>

From: im-rep [mailto:im-rep-bounces at lists.lternet.edu] On Behalf Of Inigo San Gil
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 12:54 PM
To: im-rep at lternet.edu; lno at lists.lternet.edu
Subject: [LTER-im-rep] ASM recap

From my view point, not the official recap.

Things I liked about the meeting:

  1.  Seeing almost all my friends there.  You. What a treat, thanks we could enjoy each other!
  2.  Volleyball and dancing. Work hard, and play hard(er). Yay.
  3.  "How to communicate Science effectively" (SO real and so close to my heart. THANKS)
  4.  Poster about the "Toolbox for cross-disciplinary Science". A Philosopher with a mission guys.
  5.  All presenters and attendees of the DEIMS sessions.  DEIMS in the Forest Service, I thought I would never see the day!
  6.  Bob Waide's and LNOs amazing performance, one more ASM where the real LNO shone. THANKS.
  7.  Wade's GCE toolbox walk through. NaNs and LOLs.  Thank you Wade.
  8.  David Blankman was there providing cool stories, input and a wealth of support. My beacon.
  9.  Linda Powell's community pull: Applied approaches and solutions to manage (big and complex) data.
  10. Have the chance to offer myself as the Lead PI for the next data center. Yay.
  11. NSFers were present and reachable. Our Peter, Our Saran, Lisa Clough, Alan Tessier and James Olds
  12. The Y : the perfect venue for the meeting
  13. Other people who shone on my watch: Diana H. Wall, Susan Stafford and Aaron Ellison. How cool is LTER ?
  14. MCM rocks. Amazing team, awesome science and an IM lifecycle that does not burden me (my team does the data curation, folks, not me)
  15. The nice photo at the Longs Peak Lodge wall, in the little nook between Granite and Bouldersomething rooms. LOL, JW.
  16. The work presented by Emery at poster session. Way to go, Emery, please re-cast at VWCs.
  17. Fox Peterson's curiosity and initiative (and love for Github!)
  18. Finally meeting Amy Chiuchiolo (a good dancer too).
  19. The news about Luquillo. Yay.
  20. Mark on any given ASM Monday night.
  21. Leanne Yanabu saving the day (and the low-rider). Again and again.
  22. Organization: a little paper by every room's door announcing the event at the right time. Nicely done.
Things I disliked or hurt (because this is not Hollywood, people):

  1.  Marsh was not with us. You have no idea how much it hurts.
  2.  Knowing that it is the end of a cycle (current LNO)
  3.  It felt like a reduced ASM: LTER is more than 500 people.
  4.  Festivities ended prematurely. Boo.
  5.  That hard futon, my bones are still reminding me of it.
  6.  Nicole Kaplan was not with us.
  7.  "Facilitators" that cannot shut-up and actually facilitate. So much to learn.
  8.  Food.  did it get worse? Glad this is the only real and relative low of the meeting logistics.
  9.  Earlier meeting during fire season -> smoke and heat.
  10. LNCO has no budget for future ASMs. Is this for real ? Are we nuts ?
  11. Theresa Valentine's retirement. Glad for Theresa, but sucks losing quality people!
  12. Did not get the chance to mingle with the Swedish or the Aussie. Where were they after work?
  13. Did not get a chance to hangout with Christine O'Connell after her wonderful talk.  Sigh. Please come back.
  14. Did not get a chance to say even hi to Henry Gholz. Did he go undercover? Where was Waldo ?
  15. Other premature news about a very DEAr IM. hmm..
  16. The day after the ASM is over.
  17. The day after the ASM is over.
  18. The day after the ASM is over.. so long, and thanks for all the fish!

Cheers, Inigo
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