[LTER-im] Farewell

Wade M Sheldon sheldon at uga.edu
Fri Jun 14 11:03:55 PDT 2019

Hi everyone,

For those who don't already know, I will be officially stepping down as lead IM for the GCE-LTER site at the end of this month as I take my retirement from the University of Georgia. I hope to continue on as a collaborator in the future, but this will be my last month in the IM role.

When I was brought in to help with the GCE-I proposal in 1999 I had no idea what I was in store for. It's been a wild ride, with lots of ups and more than a few downs (yes, I'm looking at you, EML). But I can honestly say it's been a sincere pleasure to work with all of you and in this community of practice the past 18+ years. I had hoped to attend ESIP in July to say a more personal good bye, but unfortunately that didn't work out. I hope we can reconnect in the future, at EDI working group meetings or other venues, but I wish you all great success as you continue to keep the wheels on the LTER bus!

As for GCE, Adam Sapp will be stepping (shoved?) into the lead IM position this summer. He will be attending the IMC meeting, as he has the past few years, so please buy him a few rounds and share your war stories to initiate him into his new role.

All the best.

Wade Sheldon

P.S. I'll be keeping my UGA email address, but not checking it very often. If you want to catch up with me in the future please use sheldon.wade at gmail.com<mailto:sheldon.wade at gmail.com>

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