[LTER-im] bibliography update

Hap Garritt hgarritt at mbl.edu
Wed Feb 13 06:52:41 PST 2019

Hi Marty,

A little confused, I thought you wanted NSF-LTER-XXX for identifying LTER site since you mentioned that ILTER uses just LTER.



From: im <im-bounces at lists.lternet.edu> on behalf of Marty Downs <downs at nceas.ucsb.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 5:47 PM
To: im at lternet.edu
Cc: lter-admins at lternet.edu; lpi at lternet.edu
Subject: [LTER-im] bibliography update

Hi all,
This is primarily addressed to the LTER information managers, but I am copying PIs and admins to keep them in the loop.

Thanks for the useful discussion yesterday. It's spurred a few updates to the process for the LTER Network bibliographies.

1) Joining the LTER Network Zotero group. Those who use Zotero for reference management are welcome to join the LTER Network Zotero group. While you are logged in to the account that you want to connect with the Network, search for the LTER Network group -- or go directly to this page: https://www.zotero.org/groups/2055673/lter_network and request to join at the lower right.

Zotero group members with write privileges can simply drag references from your collection of "network" items to the corresponding LTER Network collection.

2) Identifying LTER site. Do not add the field ltersite. I had thought I would adapt a translator to handle it, but that now seems unwise. Instead, please add a keyword (LTER-ABC) to identify your site. Be sure to export keywords to your BibTeX file. (also DOIs and URL's if you have them). You are welcome to continue including accession numbers if you have maintained them. If included, they will be used as the unique identifier, but they are not required. If they are not included, Zotero will create a unique identifier based on the author-title-year and entry type combination.

3) Theses. Zotero exports only phdthesis and mastersthesis and those are the only two entry types that are recognized as standard BibTex (and the only ones that NSF accepts in reports). Much as we would like to track Bachelors theses, I think it will screw up your NSF exports to do so. It's also clear that many sites have not tracked that information consistently and recreating it is an unreasonable amount of work.

For the purposes of the 40 year review, do not include undergraduate theses in your export. If you are tracking undergraduate theses currently, please let me know how you are handling them and we'll try to come to some consensus.

4) Serial updates.
We expect to request annual updates. Zotero has a good system for merging duplicates that relies on a combination of author-title-year and entry-type, but it still requires some manual attention.

In Zotero, the date-modified field will allow you to export only the references that have changed after a given date. I believe that EndNote and most other databases have a similar field. After this initial update, please send only the references that have changed or been added since your last update.

Thanks for your patience as I work through the kinks,


Marty Downs (she/her/hers)
Deputy Director, LTER Network Communications Office


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National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Office: 805-893-7549
Cell: 617-833-7930
downs at nceas.ucsb.edu<mailto:downs at nceas.ucsb.edu>

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