[LTER-im] Update on replicating Arctic LTER datasetst to the Arctic Data Center

Eda C. Melendez-Colom edacorreo at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 9 13:05:53 PST 2017

Ken and James,
Thank you for sharing this important issue.
I am still not certain about the implications of using the LTER Data Portal as the sole archive center of each site's data but two things come to my mind:
1. I think I misunderstood the EDI members in our last meeting; I was certain that they said that centralization of the LTER data archiving and sharing was eminent.2. I think the data archival distribution paradigm has many obvious advantages and even more, our present "centributed" (like we once called in the 90s) data archival model has even more advantages.
I can imagine James' dissapointment when NSF reacted that way but I am very glad that they still favor site's data archival.
In regard to possible conflicts in data policies, that is an inevitable issue that people in the EDI in collaboration with the NCO will have to address and resolve.
 Eda C. Melendez Colom
 Information Manager
 LTER Program
 University of Puerto Rico
 Tel. (787) 764-0000 (1-88225)
 Fax (787) 772 -1481

      From: Ken Ramsey <kramsey at jornada-vmail.nmsu.edu>
 To: IM Listsvr <im at lternet.edu>; jlaundre at mbl.edu 
 Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 1:05 PM
 Subject: Re: [LTER-im] Update on replicating Arctic LTER datasetst to the Arctic Data Center
Hi Jim,

This sounds good for the most part. I do not think that the LTER data
policies were intended to exclude Data One or other portals from using
or re-distributing our datasets. I think the exclusion of non-commercial
reuse of research data was meant to keep our data freely available and
that they cannot charge for use of publicly funded datasets.

Regarding the change to EML, it seems that the simplification of the
use of <funding><para> will lead to issues if the EML specification is
not updated to include the funding agency as EDI will support more than
NSF. I seem to remember that Some LTER sites are not funding by NSF,
although I may be mistaken. What happens if EDI should include agencies
other than NSF in the future?

Overall, this sounds like a good compromise. How do we update the LTER
data policies for the LTER Network and PASTA/EDI? Would this be an
action item we address at the annual meeting in conjunction with the


>>> James Laundre <jlaundre at mbl.edu> 2017-01-06 09:46 AM >>>

Replicating Arctic LTER datasets to the Arctic Data Center. 

As I mentioned in a VTC last Dec one of our PI's final report to NSF
for their Arctic Observing Network (AON) project was being held up
because the data was archived on the LTER Data Portal instead of the new
NSF Arctic Data Center ( https://arcticdata.io ). In previous reports
this was considered fine. However this time the comment he received was:

" The NSF-LTER data portal is certainly a national archive, but the
problem is that it has some restrictions on data use. AON data, on the
other hand, is for unrestricted use. .... AON data should be archived on
the Arctic Data center." 

So why can’t the Arctic Data Center pull the data from the LTER Data
Portal? After all they are both Data ONE nodes and it would be messyto
have two different DOIs for the same data. Well after several back and
forth emails, modifications on my end and by Mark and Duane, the Arctic
Data Center was able to replicated metadata and data into the Arctic
Data Center. The main issues that prevented the data from replicating
are listed below: 

First: The LTER intellectual rights section of the metadata document s
did not meet with NSF Polar Programs policy.
https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16055/nsf16055.jsp . In particular
where the LTER rights policy states: 

“1) Acceptable use . Use of the dataset will be restricted to
academic, research, educational, government, recreational, or other
not-for-profit professional purposes. The Data User is permitted to
produce and distribute derived works from this dataset provided that
they are released under the same license terms as those accompanying
this Data Set. Any other uses for the Data Set or its derived products
will require explicit permission from the dataset owner. 

2 ) Redistribution . The data are provided for use by the Data User.
The metadata and this license must accompany all copies made and be
available to all users of this Data Set. The Data User will not
redistribute the original Data Set beyond this collaboration sphere.”

To quote an email; 

“ These two restrictions make publishing the data in the Arctic Data
Center difficult. The first seems contrary to the policy for AON data in
that they are to be made publicly available (within 6 months of
collection). The second limitation effectively disallows the Arctic Data
Center (and DataONE) from distributing the data. 

In archiving data in the Arctic Data Center, the goal is to make the
data and metadata publicly available and usable without restriction, and
so we’ve been using the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication
(CC-0) or the Attribution (CC-BY) license for new submissions. ” 

My solution was to modify the license to Attribution (CC-BY) license.
See below for the Intellectual Rights wording used. 

Second (a minor issue): There were differences in how the funding was
entered in the metadata (/eml/dataset/project/funding/para) field. We
had it as a paragraph describing the NSF funding grant number. The
Arctic Data Center just wanted the number as below: 


Other issues between the LTER Data Portal and Arctic Data Center were
addressed by Mark and Duane and staff at the Arctic Data Center. 

I have more datasets that need to be replicated to the Arctic Data
Center. Hopefully before the next reports are due. 



Intellectual Rights 

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

The re-use of scientific data has the potential to greatly increase
communication, collaboration and synthesis within and among disciplines,
and thus is fostered, supported and encouraged. Permission to use this
dataset is granted to the Data User free of charge subject to the
following terms: 

1. Citation. It is considered a matter of professional ethics to
acknowledge the work of other scientists. Thus, the Data User should
properly cite the Data Set in any publications or in the metadata of any
derived data products that were produced using the Data Set. 
2. Acknowledgment. The Data User should acknowledge any institutional
support or specific funding awards referenced in the metadata
accompanying this dataset in any publications where the Data Set
contributed significantly to its content. Acknowledgements should
identify the supporting party, the party that received the support, and
any identifying information such as grant numbers. For example: Data
sets were provided by the Arctic LTER. This material is based upon work
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants # ... ... and
3. Notification. The Data User will notify the Data Set Contact when
any derivative work or publication based on or derived from the Data Set
is distributed. The Data User will provide the data contact with two
reprints of any publications resulting from use of the Data Set and will
provide copies, or online access to, any derived digital products.
Notification will include an explanation of how the Data Set was used to
produce the derived work. 
4. Collaboration. The Data Set has been released in the spirit of open
scientific collaboration. Data Users are thus strongly encouraged to
consider consultation, collaboration and/or co-authorship with the Data
Set Creator. 

Disclaimer. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy
of data and documentation contained in this Data Set, complete accuracy
of data and metadata cannot be guaranteed. All data and metadata are
made available "as is". The Data User holds all parties involved in the
production or distribution of the Data Set harmless for damages
resulting from its use or interpretation. 


James Laundre 
Arctic LTER 
Marine Biological Lab 
7 MBL St. 
Woods Hole, MA 02543 
Phone:508 289 7476 
Email: jlaundre at mbl.edu 
Long Term Ecological Research Network
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