[LTER-hbr_grad] Fwd: [HubbardBrook] 2018 Hubbard Brook Cooperators Meeting Registration is Now Open

Mary Martin mary.martin at unh.edu
Thu May 24 12:19:54 PDT 2018

Dear Hubbard Brook community,

This is a friendly reminder to register by Wednesday, June 6^th if you 
want to give a presentation at the July Cooperator’s Meeting. We will 
not accept late submissions this year. The online registration form asks 
for a title and abstract. The abstracts will be used to help us schedule 
all of the talks.

The deadline to register without a presentation is June 29^th .

All the best,

Pam Templer and John Battles

Co-Chairs, Hubbard Brook Scientific Coordinating Committee (SCC)

*From: *PAMELA TEMPLER <ptempler at bu.edu>
*Date: *Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 8:59 AM
*To: *"HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu" <HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu>
*Subject: *2018 Hubbard Brook Cooperators Meeting Registration is Now Open

Dear Friends of Hubbard Brook:

We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the 2018 
Annual Cooperators’ Meeting, to be held at Hubbard Brook on July 11-12.

The annual meeting of the cooperators of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem 
Study provides an important opportunity for communication, exchange of 
ideas and research plans, along with making new friends. This meeting 
also provides a perspective on the overall Hubbard Brook Ecosystem 
Study.Meeting information and the online registration form are 
accessible from the main page of the Hubbard Brook website, or directly 

Dr. David George Haskell will give a Keynote Address on July 10^th at 
7:30pm. This presentation is open to the public.

The deadline for registration is *Wednesday,* *June 6^th for 
presentations* and Friday, June 29^th to attend the meeting without 
making a presentation. */_The deadline for registering a presentation is 
quite firm_/*.

We continue to offer three options for presentations:

  * 2 minute, 1 slide only, “lightning” talks. These presentations may
    highlight a research result or contain announcements. Announcements
    of proposals or new research (no results yet) will only be accepted
    as lightning talks. These talks are strictly limited to one slide
    with no clicks or animation to pack in more content.
  * 5 minute talks (3 minute presentation with 2 minutes for questions):
    These are for in-progress research with data to report or for
    completed studies only.
  * 10 minute talks (8 minute presentation with 2 minutes for
    questions): These are also for in-progress research with data to
    report or for completed studies only.

Please be aware that because we avoid concurrent sessions and limit the 
duration of the meeting, it may be impossible to accommodate all 
interested speakers. Hence, the SCC discourages presentations that are 
based on studies being done at other places with no clearly-stated 
relationship to the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study.

Further presentation guidelines and registration information are on the 
website. Please feel free to forward this announcement to others.

We hope to see you in July!

Pam Templer and John Battles

Co-Chairs, Hubbard Brook Scientific Coordinating Committee (SCC)


Pamela Templer, PhD

Professor, Department of Biology

Director, PhD Program in Biogeoscience

Boston University

Boston, MA 02215

5 Cummington Mall

Phone 617-353-6978



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