[LTER-hbr_grad] Fwd: [HubbardBrook] Invitation: April COS meeting

Mary Martin mary.martin at unh.edu
Tue Mar 13 13:51:13 PDT 2018

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[HubbardBrook] Invitation: April COS meeting
Resent-Date: 	Tue, 13 Mar 2018 10:11:46 -0400
Resent-From: 	mary.martin at unh.edu
Date: 	Tue, 13 Mar 2018 14:03:59 +0000
From: 	Templer, Pamela H <ptempler at bu.edu>
To: 	HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu <HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu>

Dear Hubbard Brook Community,

You’re all invited to attend a special joint-meeting of students, 
postdocs, and investigators from both Hubbard Brook and Harvard Forest 
on Wednesday, April 11^th from 10am-4pm at the Cary Institute in 
Millbrook, NY.

On behalf of the organizing committee (Sarah Garlick, John Besley, Emily 
Cloyd, Kathy Fallon Lambert, and Tiffany Lohwater), please find attached 
the agenda for meeting. The theme is “Putting Public Engagement with 
Science into Practice at Hubbard Brook and Harvard Forest” with the 
goals of promoting cross-site communication and collaboration for 
research and engagement, developing high-impact engaged science projects 
through the PES at LTERs initiative, and discussing evidence-based 
strategies for new and ongoing research at both sites.

Please RSVP using this 

Please keep lunches and breaks free from organized work sessions so that 
all participants can mingle and interact with one another.*If you plan 
to have a small-group or project meeting prior to or after the COS 
meeting, please contact Gary Lovett ASAP to ensure that meeting space is 
available.* Space is limited at the Cary.

Please note that there will be limited availability of housing at the 
Cary Institute. To reserve a room, use the Cary housing request form 
at:http://www.caryintranet.org/content/housing-request-form<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.caryintranet.org_content_housing-2Drequest-2Dform&d=DwMGaQ&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=MFh2AWAPkX8OjEGF4DVna8dQkABhP70hNTqEBsmMib0&m=1ERlyQ_8DkHb3Oy4OOHBnLBTZmU0zxOzPBJ8KXHO-5Q&s=owzsVFNgzVBAv2I_Ii8TyU1FpuhVUxod8Ah0po8tua0&e=> , 
listing Gary Lovett as your host.  You will receive a response as to 
whether or not a room is available.  If a Cary room is not available, 
the closest motel is the Cottonwood 
(http://www.cottonwoodmotel.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cottonwoodmotel.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=MFh2AWAPkX8OjEGF4DVna8dQkABhP70hNTqEBsmMib0&m=1ERlyQ_8DkHb3Oy4OOHBnLBTZmU0zxOzPBJ8KXHO-5Q&s=vPOaVlBDLci9zdCM1qqJ1tg3ByPjCPF6gBpfEk2zffs&e=> ).  
If you have questions about housing, contact Cassandra Harrison 
atharrisonc at caryinstitute.org<mailto:harrisonc at caryinstitute.org>.

We have limited funds through an NSF award to support participant travel 
for this meeting. Please email travel coordinator Zach Ralph to inquire 
about available funds and to submit your expenses 
(zralph at hubbardbrookfoundation.org<mailto:zralph at hubbardbrookfoundation.org>). 

We look forward to seeing you in April!

Pam Templer and John Battles

Co-Chairs, Hubbard Brook Scientific Coordinating Committee


Pamela Templer, PhD

Professor, Department of Biology

Director, PhD Program in Biogeoscience

Boston University

Boston, MA 02215

5 Cummington Mall

Phone 617-353-6978



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