[LTER-hbr_grad] Fwd: FW: [HubbardBrook] 2018 Hubbard Brook Cooperators Meeting: Friday is last day to register

Mary Martin mary.martin at unh.edu
Mon Jun 25 13:26:15 PDT 2018

*From: *HubbardBrook <hubbardbrook-bounces at lists.sr.unh.edu> on behalf 
of PAMELA TEMPLER <ptempler at bu.edu>
*Date: *Monday, June 25, 2018 at 4:02 PM
*To: *"HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu" <HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu>
*Subject: *[HubbardBrook] 2018 Hubbard Brook Cooperators Meeting: Friday 
is last day to register
*Resent-From: *PAMELA TEMPLER <ptempler at bu.edu>

Dear Hubbard Brook community,

Here's a friendly reminder that */_this Friday, June 29^th is the last 
day to register_/* for this year’s Annual Cooperator’s Meeting (July 
11-12, 2018).

The schedule for the meeting is attached. Meeting information and the 
online registration form are accessible from the main page of the 
Hubbard Brook website or directly at: 

Please note that we will have a “Town Hall” style meeting 1-2pm on the 
second day (July 12^th ) to have a discussion about safety at Hubbard 
Brook. We’d love your participation, questions, and ideas for making 
Hubbard Brook an even safer place to work and stay.

All the best,

Pam Templer and John Battles

Co-Chairs, Hubbard Brook Scientific Coordinating Committee (SCC)


Pamela Templer, PhD

Professor, Department of Biology

Director, PhD Program in Biogeoscience

Boston University

Boston, MA 02215

5 Cummington Mall

Phone 617-353-6978



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