[LTER-hbr_grad] Fwd: [HubbardBrook] Invitation: January COS meeting
Mary Martin
mary.martin at unh.edu
Wed Dec 13 08:12:45 PST 2017
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [HubbardBrook] Invitation: January COS meeting
Resent-Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 11:29:14 -0500
Resent-From: mary.martin at unh.edu
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2017 16:23:30 +0000
From: John BATTLES <jbattles at berkeley.edu>
To: HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu <HubbardBrook at lists.sr.unh.edu>
Dear Hubbard Brook Scientists, Postdocs, and Graduate Students,
On behalf of the organizing committee (Linda Pardo, Gary Lovett, Matt
Ayres, and Nina Lany), please find attached the agenda for the upcoming
Jan 3-4, 2018 Committee of Scientists (COS) meeting.The overall theme of
the meeting is "*Foliar Nitrogen*” with one session focused on patterns
and controls and another on N as an integrating variable. This session
on N has been much anticipated and we look forward to fascinating
discussions. We also have allocated time to consider how best to get the
message out regarding the relevance of the work we do at Hubbard Brook.
*Sarah Garlick* is leading this important part of the COS meeting.
Finally, we have invited *Caitlin Pries*, who has been recently
appointed as faculty at Dartmouth, to give a brief introduction of her
research interests at Hubbard Brook
*If you plan to have a small-group or project meeting prior to or after
the COS meeting, please contact Gary Lovett ASAP to ensure that meeting
space is available.*Space is limited at the Cary. Please also remember
that we have agreed to keep lunches and the mixer at dinner free from
organized work sessions so the members of the COS have time to catch-up.
Please RSVP using the link below regarding your plans for the Jan 3-4,
2018 COS meeting. Housing information at the Cary Institute follows.
RSVP link: https://goo.gl/GsKj1L
Please note that there will be limited availability of housing at the
Cary Institute. To reserve a room, use the Cary housing request form
at: http://www.caryintranet.org/content/housing-request-form
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.caryintranet.org_content_housing-2Drequest-2Dform&d=DwMFaQ&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=MFh2AWAPkX8OjEGF4DVna8dQkABhP70hNTqEBsmMib0&m=eiJjJ6VjxxR5GrkZ0sxNJqDiD5sI7JQxnbRx_42ta34&s=i12H-lqeup7MY1-VS6HQxoIhkOUIwupvAPqlTpHv8Ss&e=> ,
listing Gary Lovett as your host. You will receive a response as to
whether or not a room is available. If a Cary room is not available,
the closest motel is the Cottonwood (http://www.cottonwoodmotel.com
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cottonwoodmotel.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=c6MrceVCY5m5A_KAUkrdoA&r=MFh2AWAPkX8OjEGF4DVna8dQkABhP70hNTqEBsmMib0&m=eiJjJ6VjxxR5GrkZ0sxNJqDiD5sI7JQxnbRx_42ta34&s=Vp4mpy3hbpbUoEMMU4ki_eZjJf9u2E3SEsyQ6weZnRc&e=> ).
If you have questions about housing, contact Cassandra Harrison at
harrisonc at caryinstitute.org <mailto:harrisonc at caryinstitute.org>.
We look forward to seeing you in January.
John and Pam
John J. Battles
UC Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 643-0684
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