[LTER-hbr_grad] COS meeting April 6 on Precipitation Change - Agenda and invitation to submit 'lightning talks'

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Thu Mar 17 08:08:14 MDT 2016

Apologies for the double email. Agenda attached.


From: Sanders-Demott, Rebecca
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 9:27 AM
To: hbr_grad at lternet.edu
Cc: Mary Martin; John Battles; Asbjornsen, Heidi (Heidi.Asbjornsen at unh.edu); Templer, Pamela H
Subject: COS meeting April 6 on Precipitation Change - Agenda and invitation to submit 'lightning talks'

Dear Hubbard Brook Graduate Students and Postdocs,

Please find attached the agenda for the upcoming April 6 COS meeting. You're all more than welcome to attend and to participate!

The overall theme of the meeting is "Trends and consequences of precipitation change at Hubbard Brook"

We invite anyone conducting research on this topic to submit their interest in giving a short 5-10 min "lightning talk" related to any of the four broad themes on precipitation change listed in the agenda.  These short talks will be followed by an open moderated discussion on each theme.  The final discussion will also include ideas for a special journal issue with contributed papers on this topic.

Please submit your ideas for lightning talks by this Friday, March 18.

Thanks and looking forward to lively, interesting, and productive discussions!

(on behalf of the organizing committee: Lindsey Rustad, John Campbell, Pam Templer, & Heidi Asbjornsen)

Please RSVP using the link below regarding you plans for the April 6, 2016 COS meeting. Housing information at the Cary Institute follows.

RSVP link: https://goo.gl/QI1MGD

Please note that there will be limited availability of housing at the Cary Institute.  To reserve a room, use the Cary housing request form at: http://www.caryintranet.org/content/housing-request-form , listing Gary Lovett as your host.  You will receive a response as to whether or not a room is available.  If a  Cary room is not available, the closest motel is the Cottonwood (http://www.cottonwoodmotel.com<http://www.cottonwoodmotel.com/> ).  If you have questions about housing, contact Claudia Rosen atRosenC at caryinstitute.org<mailto:RosenC at caryinstitute.org>.

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