[LTER-hbr_grad] Invitation to New England LTER Graduate Student Gathering at Harvard Forest November 14

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Fri Oct 16 11:14:20 MDT 2015

Dear HBEF Graduate Students and Post-docs,

Harvard Forest is hosting a graduate student and post-doc gathering on Saturday, November 14 at Harvard Forest in Petersham, MA (about 2.5 hours from Hubbard Brook). They have graciously extended the invitation to students and post-docs at both Hubbard Brook and Plum Island LTERs.  This is a great opportunity to explore another LTER site, meet and network with students working at other sites in our region, and to learn from each other!

The basic itinerary will be informal presentations from each attendee, lunch (catered by Harvard Forest), and a hike. There is also the option to stay overnight in one of the Harvard Forest dorms (no charge). So far there are half a dozen Harvard Forest attendees planning to come, but no one will be staying overnight.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the Harvard Forest LTER grad student rep, Lauren Alteio (lalteio at umass.edu<mailto:lalteio at umass.edu>) by October 30, with any dietary restrictions we should know about.

Hope you are able to make it!


Rebecca Sanders-DeMott
PhD Candidate
Templer Lab
Boston University
5 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 353-2462

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