[LTER-hbr_grad] REPLY REQUESTED by 10/15: Hubbard Brook Graduate Student Symposium at Cary Institute in January 2015!

Sanders-Demott, Rebecca rsdemott at bu.edu
Wed Oct 7 16:11:39 MDT 2015

Hi Hubbard Brook Grad Students:

We need your feedback on a great opportunity for this coming January.  The Hubbard Brook Committee of Scientists (COS) meets quarterly, with the fall, winter, and spring meetings at the Cary Institute in Millbrook, and the summer meeting at Hubbard Brook immediately following the Annual Cooperator's Meeting.  The themes of the meetings range from project science reports, to communication workshops, to LTER proposal writing workshops, and more.

This January, the COS is considering focusing the meeting on graduate students!  This would be a great opportunity to network, showcase our work, develop collaborations, and to get professional development. The format would be one day of graduate student talks and a half day dedicated to professional development.

In order to move forward, we need to gauge interest in this type of event.

Please respond to this email and answer the following questions by Thursday, October 15:

*        Would you attend a Hubbard Brook Graduate Student Symposium at the Cary Institute on Tuesday-Wednesday, January 5-6, 2016? It would start in the early afternoon of Tuesday, January 5th and end late afternoon Wednesday, January 6th.

*         What type of professional development, topics for discussion, or anything else to supplement the graduate student talks would be of most interest to you? This activity would be a half day.



Rebecca Sanders-DeMott
PhD Candidate
Templer Lab
Boston University
5 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 353-2462

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